Cleaning Day

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Third person pov:

As Fyodor allowed Dazai the time to rest on his shoulder Nikolai continued to bombard Sigma with unnecessary questions.

"Are you alight?" Fyodor asked calmly to the one on his shoulder. Dazai just continued to lay there for another minute or two before responding. "Yes, you're just very warm. Like a heating blanket."

The brunette spoke leaning more of his weight onto Fyodor.

"Well if that's the case, feel free to lay on me whenever you'd like." The two sat there for their time just enjoying the fresh air and warmth of the sun. At one point one of the guards looked over to the both of them but paid no more attention to them, since they were simply sitting there.

Once their time was up to go inside they finally got up and went to their cell.

Cleaning day was Fyodor's favorite. In his opinion the cells were filthy and needed to be drenched in bleach. But on the other hand Dazai couldn't really care.

Dazai laid on the top bunk, his bed, in his in Fyodor's shared cell as Fyodor started getting to work on cleaning. Fyodor didn't mind that Dazai laid down instead of helping, he enjoyed cleaning alone.

"I'm going to take a nap." The brunette announced. "Alright. I'll wake you up when it's time to go and work for the building." Fyodor spoke gently, receiving a hum from Dazai.

For the next hour Fyodor cleaned their cell nearly spotless, due to only having so many supplies he couldn't clean as much as he would've liked, but this will do.

Just like he said he would Fyodor awoke Dazai from his rest once he was finished and time to work for the building. It took a minute or two before Dazai actually woke up, but they reached their duty for the day quickly.

The two of them, and two other kids, had been assigned to clean the restrooms. Fyodor worked harder than the other three, due to him not wanting to use the bathroom in a filthy area, and simply being a perfectionist.

Once finished, Dazai complained about their work all the way back to the cell. Fyodor found Dazai's complaining to be useless since neither of them could do anything about it. Their day was soon to end, meaning dinner was soon. So instead of lazing around Fyodor prepared for it.

Dazai was talking to Fyodor about all the things he would do before he was sent to the confinement. Fyodor only listened while he prepared for dinner.

In that short time the black-haired male learned that Dazai preferred cats over dogs. The rest was only things Dazai had told him before. But as the brunette was about to start on a new topic, the chime for dinner rang.

Fyodor wouldn't eat any of their food hardly ever, and neither did Dazai. But despite that they still went since it was mandatory.

A/N: i'm too lazy for this, i wish i had my computer back so i could type on their bc typing on a phone is too annoying 💔 but it's whatever 😞

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