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Warning: nsfw

The cell was silent the entire night. Dazai couldn't fall asleep and his thoughts were flooded with lewd images of him and Fyodor. As for Fyodor, he was simply sleeping.

Dazai bit his bottom lip as he laid on his side and thought about Fyodor. His cheeks were flushed red and his bottoms tightened. He glanced down and saw that he had a boner, "Shit.." Dazai whispered to himself as he rolled onto his back gently.

A quick glance to make sure Fyodor was sleeping was made by Dazai before he laid back down. The brunette sighed and contemplated whether or not he was going to do this.

The boy shut his eyes and reached into his pants. He pulled his cock out and rubbed the tip a bit before stroking it. Dazai's thoughts were all of Fyodor. He only imagined Fyodor being the one stroking him instead. The brunette boy covered his mouth with his free hand and threw his head back.

"Fyodor~..." Dazai whispered with lust dripping from his words. His stomach tightened as he quickened his pace.

Soon enough Dazai came into his hand and was panting heavily.

Dazai's eyes fluttered open. He looked down and realized he had no way to clean up. "God damnit.." He whispered before looking back down at Fyodor again to make sure he was still sleeping. A sigh escaped Dazai's lips as he collected all the cum he could into his hand off of his member and put it back into his pants.

The boy climbed down the latter and went to the toilet in their cell. He took a piece of toilet paper, wiping off the cum from his hand. He threw the toilet paper in toilet but didn't flush it since he didn't want to wake anyone else. He slightly turned on the sink and washed his hands with the small amount of water.

Dazai shook his hands off before wiping them on his shirt to dry them. He got back into bed to try and get some sleep, unfortunately still unable to.

(Time skip because i love[hate] them)

The police officers watched over the large groups of kids in the courtyard, they were calm but didn't mean it would stay that way. Nikolai was bothering Sigma, yet again. But on the other hand Fyodor was sitting with Dazai speaking rather calmly.

"Dazai, are you alright? You've been acting odd today. Is it because of last night?" Fyodor looked into Dazai's eyes as said boy's cheeks flushed red.

Fyodor hummed in understanding that it was in fact the issue. "If you would like we won't do it again." Fyodor leaned against the wall as he spoke. Dazai's eyes shot open as he stammered his words. "No! No, no, i would like to do it again it's just..." Dazai trailed off as Sigma shot him a concerned look.

The couple of boys continued their conversation when Sigma was dragged away by Nikolai to commissary to get chips. "I just... want to do a bit more.." Dazai's last six words were quiet, but still audible to Fyodor. "Like touching each other? Sensually?" Fyodor said quiet enough for only Dazai to hear. The brunette gave a little nod as they got up.

The two decided to aswell, go to commentary for a few snacks. Once there, they saw Nikolai and Sigma buying what they wanted from a officer.

Even so they got in line where they were meant to be if they wanted to get anything.

Nikolai gave Dazai a big, unwilling, hug as he and Sigma walked past. Dazai let out a sigh of relief when Nikolai let him go. "Lord have mercy on me.." He whispered out to himself. "Does that mean you don't want more? That's unfortunate, i was looking forward to tonight." Fyodor quietly said bluntly. Dazai's cheeks heated up as they moved up in the line.

"No, no, i do.. i only said that because Nikolai squeezed my so tight.." Dazai said slightly embarrassed. "I see." Fyodor responded calmly.

The two of them ended up getting a bag of calbee potato chips, and strawberry kubota.

The two of them went to their cell and sat on Fyodor's bed before the two of them dug into the snacks the very rarely could get.

Smut in the next chapter? 🫢 idk though, they're still only 13, but two years ago i found out most 5-6th graders aren't virgins so i'm a bit worried about that but i don't think it will be too big of a deal for the story—???

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