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A/N: FACE REVEAL?? 😨😨 How do i look? I cut my hair myself (yes it's meant to look choppy, that was my goal) Do any of you think it looks nice? 🥹🙏

Third person pov:

A horn was blown throughout the juvenile, awaking the children who were still sleeping.

Fyodor watched as Dazai slowly opened his eyes, and lifting his body to sit up, with Fyodor doing the same.

Dazai was still fairly tired despite being well rested.

"Dazai?" Fyodor looked into the one of which he was speaking to. The brunette looked into Fyodor's eye's waiting for him to continue his sentence.

Though Fyodor was unable to finish what he was going to say, as they had been called for breakfast.

The breakfast they were given wasn't by any means safe to eat. They were served canned peaches, white rice, dried fish with a glass of water. Though it didn't sound bad, it was far more disgusting than anything. If you asked either Fyodor or Dazai they would both tell you that the detention center needed real chefs.

But even so, the two boys sat at a four seat table with two other boys, Nikolai and Sigma. Sigma didn't deserve to be there. He just got dragged into a situation that Nikolai pulled him into, ending with the two of them in the detention center.

One of the boys practically shouted "Dazai-kun!" Even though it was very unneeded. "Yes, Nikolai?" Dazai poked at the so called food they were given.

"Hmm.. I forgot what I was going to tell you, oops! But that's okay. Is there anything you would like to talk about?" Nikolai said as he attempted to eat a peach but spit it out.

Dazai thought to himself before speaking. "Not really. But i heard they're letting us make calls to anyone we wish to today." "OooOoo~ That's so exciting! I might call my friend Bram, oh- what no! I can call my other friend—" Nikolai continued to name off other people who he could call as Sigma sat there not even touching his food with a exhausted facial expression. It's mostly because he shares a cell with Nikolai, meaning he constantly has to deal with this behavior from said boy.

Fyodor poked Dazai on the arm. When Dazai looked at Fyodor to see what he needed, Fyodor whispered the words "Is there anyone you want to call?" Dazai whispered back. "Maybe, I might call my friend Oda or Ranpo. Not sure though. What about you?"

Fyodor shook his head. "No, I don't have anyone to call."

Dazai understood and continued the conversation talking about random things. Like the best hair gel, or even the correct way to make instant ramen.

Nikolai and Sigma left a few minutes earlier than Dazai and Fyodor to get a good spot on the courtyard to for all of them to sit at.

Once the two who waited longer arrived outside with the other couple Dazai took the opportunity to rest his head on Fyodor's shoulder and get some more rest.

A/N: Idk what to write anymore- 😭

Juvenile Detention Center |Fyozai|Where stories live. Discover now