Just this once

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Warnings: Smut, and kinks ‼️🤺

Dazai and Fyodor frequently slept in Fyodor's bed, cuddling, or simply enjoying that the other in the same bed as them.

They hadn't done anymore than hold each other and kiss, despite their desires. It was far too risky. But the need to fulfill those desires together grew too much for them. Eventually, this need became visible to Sigma. The constant leaving back to their cell, always being next to each other, and being so handsy with one another.

Of course Fyodor and Dazai caught on to the fact Sigma knew, and obviously tried to lower his suspicions by spending less time together, or being a bit more distant than usual. Though Sigma was not going to think that they're anything less, then what they previously appeared to be, lovers.

But that was an issue. Because Fyodor and Dazai, were not lovers. They never spoke about that sort of thing. They just slightly fulfilled their desires for one another. Even if they wanted it's against Fyodor's religion.


The boy in Fyodor's bed spoke quietly. It was Dazai, of course, there was no one else that slept in the other boys bed. "Yes, Dazai?"

The two of them had been awake an hour or two after lights out, right now they were sitting on the bed, doing nothing in particular.

Dazai hesitated with his words. His hands reached to his face to cover it. "Do you think.." His words were quiet but not inaudible.

"Do you think... we can.. touch each other, now?"

Dazai's words were just about silent, his eyes were to the side of him that was empty, his ears were burning.

Fyodor stayed silent. It worried Dazai to the point where he was about to tell Fyodor they don't have to. But his words were stopped when Fyodor slipped his hand onto Dazai's thigh.

In one swift move, Fyodor was on top of Dazai's lap, their bodies facing each other. "Just this once." He whispered, his eyes like knives stabbing Dazai's. His hands, had slipped up and under the brunettes shirt, teasing his body.

"Thank you..." Dazai was almost ashamed to say it, but he did anyways. It was almost like he would feel guilty if not. But, even so, directly after his lips were smashed onto Fyodor's. Quiet, sloppy noises were being made as the kiss went on (both were almost fully inexperienced). Neither of them seemed to mind though. Fyodor's soft and plump lips were against Dazai's, which were more rough and dry compared. On Dazai's part, he was doing his best to make the kiss lustful, for that's how he felt, and on Fyodor's part he was attempting to make it more sweet, but eventually gave into Dazai.

Dazai let out a small grunt as Fyodor's hand wrapped around his throat. The boy with amethyst eyes slipped his tongue into the other boys mouth, causing a feeling of pleasure.

Shivers were running up and down Dazai's body. He loved this.

Word count: 676
A/N (update to why i've been gone): Y'ALLLLLLLLLLL okay so i went to a mental hospital, so basically I'm awesome, and then i lived out my truth as Fyodor Dostoevsky and went to the medical hospital because my anemia was so bad 🫢 (i only had one pint of blood in me)

But anywho, they quite literally had to put a bag of blood in me whilst i was in the emergency room. It was quite cold, though the room was shockingly warm.


They had to stick... a finger up my bootyhole.....

Well, it was to make sure i wasn't bleeding internally, but the doctor said, "we're going to put as much lubricant on as possible to reduce the pain." BITCH REDUCE WHAT? THAT SHIT HURTTTTTTTTT

My bootyhole still traumatized...

But then again, it could've hurt so much because of the gloves they had on, but that's besides the point.

ANYWHO, let me know if you want me to tell y'all some mental hospital stories 😜😜

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