Snow and Drama

19 0 0

December 12, Monday

It is finally December and it was going to be the end of the semester soon. Only one week and Christmas will be here.

It is freezing cold outside and snow dropped in last night. We still had school but the Principal allowed us to play in the snow during lunch.

So when it was time for lunch me, Nate, Chris, and Teddy all went outside as soon as we were down with eating lunch. We run into the snow and I immediately start to make a snow angel. Once I'm done Nate helps me up and I look down to the snow to see my attempt.

I suddenly feel something hit my back and I turn to see Teddy laughing his ass off. He threw a snowball at me.

Okay so that's how you want to play

I bend down to gather snow in my gloved hands and form a ball shape. I go running towards Teddy and he starts to run but I catch him and smother the snow all over his face.

"Ah! Autumn that's so cold!" He shrieks.

"It's snow Teddy, of course it's going to be cold" I say back smiling brightly.

I feel two arms wrap around my waist and I'm suddenly lifted off the ground and I'm gently thrown into a big pile of snow that the custodians had shoveled. I look up and see that it was Nate who had thrown me.

"You okay?" He asks with a smirk.

"I am, but you won't be" I warn him and I push him on to the snow and laugh at him.

"Okay..okay I deserved that" He groans and I get scared that I actually hurt him. I get up from the snow pile and go over to him.

"I think I pushed you too hard, I'm sorry. Let me help you up" I give my hand to him and he grabs it. Just when I was about to use my strength to get him up, he pulls me onto his chest and now we're both on the ground.

We laugh at our childness and lay in the snow for a while.

"Hey Nate, is that a new hoe of yours?!" We hear someone call out to Nate and we sit up and see Justin, who I found out was one of the football players who had egged my house.

"Excuse me?" Nate asks.

"Is that one of your bitches?" He asks smirking and his friends laughing is the background.

Nate gets up from the snow and walks over to Justin and grabs him by his collar.

"Say that one more time and see what happens" He whispers to Justin.

"Nate, don't" I worriedly say. I've seen Nate get into fights before we knew each other and it got pretty ugly.

Nate still hasn't let him go.

"Nate, you promised me" I say.

He looks to me and his face softens and he lets go of Justin. He slowly walks over to me and quietly apologizes to me.

"She's even got you walking on a leash like a dog" Justin comments again and his friends laugh together with him again.

Nate balls his fists up and goes running to Justin. He pushes him to the snowy ground and gets on top of him. He starts punching Justin in the face.

Me, Chris, and Teddy run over to him and attempt to get him off but he doesn't budge. Students are gathering around and encouraging the fight to continue. I start to get worried that teachers will come soon and Nate can't be getting in anymore trouble.

"NATE STOP" I yell to him again and again but he doesn't listen. As I'm trying get push him off of Justin. Nate puts his hand on my chest and pushes me back hard away from him. I stumble back and fall into to the snow.

Nate realizes that he pushed me and immediately stops what he's doing and has a worried look in his face. I didn't get hurt but knowing that Nate just pushed me hard made me feel hurt in the inside. Teddy comes over to me and helps me up to my feet. Chris is at my side now and asks if I'm okay, to which I respond with "I'm fine". I give a cold stare to Nate and he gets up and opens his mouth to say something, but I don't give him the chance and walk back inside the school. I hear him behind me apologizing again and again but I ignore them.

And for the rest of the school day I ignore everything and everybody until I go home.


The car ride back home with Chris was silent. I bet he was also angry with Nate for hurting me.

I would be normally hungry after a long day of school, but this time I didn't have the appetite to eat, so I just walked into my room once I get inside the house and close the door.

All day today, I got several texts from Nate seeing how sorry he was and how he didn't mean to push me so hard. I feel angry, I felt frustrated, I wanted to be left alone. So I got out all of my art supplies and start to sketch in my sketchbook very aggressively while I put my earbuds into my ears and blast music through them. This was the only way to keep me calm.

I didn't even know what I was going to draw, my mind was blank. Since the music was so loud in my ears, I didn't hear my door open and hear someone call out my name repeatedly. It wasn't until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I flinch in my seat and quickly take on my earbuds and look up to see Nate.

"Get out" I say once I look in his face.

"Can we please talk?" He asks.

"I said get out Nate" I say again but this time I stand up.

"I'm very mad and I want to be left alone" I push him by towards the doorway of my room.

"I understand that but I can't leave knowing you're mad at me" He says.

"Nate just leave I'll text you when I want to talk" I order.

"Autumn ple-" I now push him all the way out of my room and slammed my door on his face. I lock the door too, knowing he'll try to open the door again if I don't.

I hear him plead over and over again for me to let him in and talk but then I hear Chris telling him to get the fuck out and leave me alone. I hear silence again and I feel tears running down my cheeks. I walked back over to my desk, but now I don't have the energy to draw. So I lay down on my bed and just cry a little until I feel myself fall asleep.

Nate broke one rule, he said he wouldn't get into any fights. Not only that, but he pushed me and make me fall to the ground, he said he would never hurt me. One mistake can lead to a big mess.

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