Chapter 1

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Taya sat beside her mom in the back of the cab, the two were on their way to Allison's childhood home for Reginald's funeral.

"Mom?", Taya spoke up suddenly and Allison looked at her, "Do you think my uncles will like me?" Allison smiled at the kid next to her and took her hand in hers, nodding.

"I'm sure they'll love you, kiddo", she reassured, Taya smiled, and soon the cab pulled up to the house. It was raining and the sky was a depressing gray color. Perfect day for a funeral.

The pair walked into the house, a couple of minutes later Taya was just quietly following her mother around the house. She has never been here before, and she was amazed at how big the house was. She looked around, zoned out until she heard the sound of her mom talking to someone downstairs, she guessed that it was one of her uncles.

Taya walked down the stairs and saw her mom talking with a guy, she guessed it was one of her uncles. She slowly walked over and smiled at him, he smiled back but was a bit confused to see a random teenager in his childhood home.

"Viktor, this is my daughter, Taya", Allison introduced.

"It's nice to meet you", Taya said quietly as she shook Viktor's hand, Viktor nodded.

"Nice to meet you too", he answered.

"What is he doing here?", an annoyed voice questioned which caused Taya and Allison to turn around to see another man walking past, "You don't belong here. Not after what you did." He completely ignored the fact Taya was there, Taya tilted her head a bit. This man was a lot taller than Viktor and he seemed to be a bit more intimidating.

"You seriously gonna do this today?", Allison asked, defending her brother while Taya stayed quiet. She didn't know what she should say. The man ignored Allison and began to walk up the stairs.

"Way to dress for the occasion, by the way", Allison snarked, the man was in all black clothing and he had a lot of knives on him.

"At least I'm wearing black", the man retorted.

After a while Taya decided she wanted to explore the house, curiosity filled her eyes as she wandered around the giant mansion. She came across an office, which she guessed used to belong to her now deceased grandfather. She walked inside, only to see another man rummaging and she yelped a bit, taken off guard and the man also jumped, bumping his head on the table as he sat up.

Allison walked into the office a few seconds later and smiled a bit, walking over to her daughter.

"I see you've met Klaus", she commented with an amused tone and Taya smiled as well.

"I guess I have", she answered.

"Allison!", Klaus said happily and he looked at Taya, "You must be Taya! Both of you come here!" Klaus hugged the two of them, Taya reluctantly hugged him back, but she soon relaxed a bit. She felt a lot safer around him than that other guy, who was apparently named Diego.

"Hey, I was hoping to see you, actually", Klaus began as he pulled out of the hug, "because I wanted to get your autograph and add it to my collection." Klaus jumped up and down a bit and clapped his hands like a small child in a candy store, which made Taya smile.

Taya noticed a bracelet on Klaus' wrist and she tried to get a closer look.

"Just out of rehab?", she questioned, slowly gaining more confidence.

"No, no. No, no, no, no. No, I'm done with all of that", Klaus replied as he pulled his wrist away from the teenager, "I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone."

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