Chapter 9

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Allison continued to drive down the road, the rain had slowed down a bit as she began to think about all those times she used her powers to get what she wanted while Taya continued to sleep in the back seats. Allison sped up a bit.

Taya woke up as the car drove through a road in the woods, she rubbed her eyes groggily as she sat up. Her hair was a bit messy and fell into her face, she moved the strands out of her face as her mom smiled at her.

"How'd you sleep?", she asked as the teenager shifted, now sitting in one of the back sleeps.

Taya yawned, "Good, I guess." Allison hummed in response as they pulled up to a cabin, it wasn't too small or too big. It looked just like any regular cabin. The car came to a stop, Allison and Taya both got out of the car.

Taya looked around as she blinked a bit, getting her eyes used to the bright morning sun as her and her mom snuck behind a bush and looked at the cabin.

The duo walked around the cabin, trying to find a way on and to find Viktor. Taya noticed a back door and whispered to her mom that she had found something before gesturing to the door. The two of them slowly and quietly crept over to the door, Taya's heart raced. Allison looked inside via a window, it was a very neat cabin but something caught her eye. Viktor's violin case.

As she turned around a bird suddenly flew out in front of both her and Taya, both up them practically jumped out of their skin in fright before they calmed down, realizing that it was just a bird.


"How much longer is this gonna take?", Taya grumbled under her breath, her and Allison were both stuck in probably one of the worst traffic jams Taya has ever seen. Car horns honked every now and then. No one knew what the holdup was.

Allison didn't reply to what Taya had said and the two of them just sat in pure silence. Taya ended up just putting in her earbuds and listening to music as she began to daydream. The car slowly pulled up behind a car, you could somewhat see what was going on from where the car had been parked for now.

Taya noticed Allison getting out of the car with a concerned look on her face and the teenager followed, taking out her earbuds as she got out of the car to follow her mom. As the two approached the scene, it was evident something big had happened here. There were a few cop cars and cops, a taped off scene and two officers seemed to be discussing something. Taya put her hood up. Even though she wasn't in the system anymore, it was still a habit she had grown accustomed to, pulling her hood up whenever cops or any kind of law enforcement was at her house or nearby.

Allison approached a small billboard and pulled down a scarf that belonged to Viktor. Could that have meant he was here at one point?

Allison quickly walked over and went under the tape, Taya reluctantly followed.

"Hey. Pardon me. Hey", a cop called out and Taya tensed up a bit at the familiar saying as she grabbed her mom's hand as a source of comfort.

"I gotta ask the two of you to stay behind the lines. We had an accident here last night", the sheriff explained as he walked over to them, he seemed to be concerned about what had happened.

"What kind of accident?", Allison pressed, trying to look past the sheriff at the two body bags in front of them, the second Taya saw them her chill ran down her spine.

"Ma'am. Behind the line, please", the cop told her seriously.

"Oh yes, sorry", Allison apologized as she quickly went back behind the tape with Taya.

"Got a lot of stuff on the ground, okay? To be wary of", the officer explained, his tone calmer now which made Taya relax a bit, but she still held her guard up.

"What happened?", Allison asked, she had her sunglasses on as she still held onto Viktor's scarf. Taya stood next to her quietly, her hood was still up.

"We're still trying to figure that out", the officer told her honestly, "As soon as we do, you and the kid will be able to read it in the newspaper like everyone else. Have a nice day." The officer turned to walk away

Allison took off her sunglasses and began to speak, "Look, officer, if there is any way –"

"Holy shit!", the officer said in surprise when he saw Allison's face, her and Taya were a bit taken aback at his reaction.

"You're Allison Hargeeves. I saw you on TV two nights ago in that Sandra Bullock movie about underpaid teachers that rob a bank", the officer explained with excitement, Allison just smiled at him slightly.

"Yeah, that's me", Allison chuckled.

"Oh! That means the kid must be Taya", he carried on and Taya just gave him a small smile, finally, but slowly taking her hood off of her head.

"If I'm being honest, my wife and I, we prefer you in romantic comedies", the officer told Allison, "The Love on Loan trilogy. We can't get enough." Allison chuckled a bit.

"Copy, Cheddar?", someone asked over the walkie talkie.

"Yeah, what do you got?", the officer replied.

"Hospital called. Perp from last night just regained consciousness", the other officer explained.

"Copy. I'll be right over", Officer Cheddar replied before he looked at Allison and her daughter with a proud and excited smile on his face, "Allison freakin' Hargeeves. My wife's not gonna believe it. Anyway, I – I – I gotta go... Work stuff."

"Yeah, of course. Sorry", Allison said as he ducked under the tape and made his way to his car and Allison looked at him.

"Actually, that's why I'm here", she started and Taya immediately knew where this was going, "I'm – I'm researching a role. A law enforcement role." Officer Cheddar gave her a funny look, he didn't seem too convinced Allison was telling the truth. Which she wasn't.

"In Jack Pine Cove?", he asked, "We haven't had a murder here in years."

"Oh. Um.. it's about a small town cop who takes on a drug cartel", Allison replied with yet another lie, "In fact, maybe I could tag along while you conduct official police business? And Taya could also benefit from the information as well, she's doing a school project. I promise... we won't get in the way. I just... I think you could really um... help me develop my character if I could live a day in the life, you know, and this could give Taya good information to use in her project." The officer hesitated for a second.

"Day in the life, huh?", he asked and Allison nodded, Taya also nodded as well, going along with everything that her mom was saying. The cop smiled and gestured towards his car, telling the duo to follow him.

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