Chapter 12

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Taya followed Allison into a basement area, both of them walking together in silence. They stopped at a doorway when they saw Luther, Diego and Klaus arguing about something, and when they moved out of the way to look at them Taya felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach.

Viktor was banging on the door and screaming, but the tiny room he was in was soundproof so she couldn't hear what her uncle was saying, but he looked scared.

"Allison, what're you doing here? You should be in bed", Luther told her. Allison took out the notepad Taya had given to her and started scribbling down what she wanted to say.

The note said 'Let him go.' Referring to her wanting Viktor to be let out of that box.

"I can't do that. He hurt you", Luther replied.

"It was an accident", Taya defended as Allison wrote 'my fault' on the notepad and showed it to Luther.

"I'm sorry but he's staying put", Luther told her and Allison shook her head before trying to move past her brothers and get to Viktor, "Just until we know what we're dealing with." Allison kept trying to get past Luther but she couldn't, all Taya could do was watch. She knew it wouldn't be any use to try and help fight Luther.

Allison reluctantly let Luther lead her away from the box, Taya was the only one left standing. She looked at her uncle with a sad look before mouthing "I'm sorry" as she began to slowly trail behind her mom and Luther


Taya sat by the window in Allison's room while Allison laid on the bed as Taya stared out of the window, watching the other civilians pass by on the street as well as some cars drive down the road. A few stray dogs and cats ran across the street every now and then. Both her and Allison were ignoring Luther who sat on a chair by Allison's bed.

The sound of crashing echoed throughout the house and Taya jumped, looking around her before she realized that the sound was coming from the basement... 

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