Chapter 11

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The door busted open, Taya looked over as she saw Luther running over with a shocked and scared look in his face, Taya's face was stained with tears as she trembled.

She tried to open her mouth to speak but no words came out, just a sob. The rest of her uncles walked into the room, Diego noticed Taya and knelt down next to the traumatized teenager and slowly helped her up off of the floor, she just hugged him tightly as sobs wracked her body. She didn't know what to do, Diego hugged her back, watching Luther with Allison.

"It all happened so fast – I -", Taya choked out through her sobs, Five looked at her with a concerned look. Blood soaked rags and a hoodie were all in a pile by Allison and Luther due to how many things Taya was using to try and keep her mom alive.


The car breaks screeched as Luther stopped the car in front of the Academy and everyone got out quickly. Taya's clothes and hands were still stained with blood as she held onto her mom's hand.

"I- I don't think she's breathing", Taya panicked, her voice was shaking as Luther and Klaus rushed Allison into the house. Taya burst through the doors and started screaming for either Pogo or Grace.

Once Pogo appeared and he saw Allison he quickly helped them get her upstairs to Grace.


Grace held a steady amount of pressure on Allison's neck as she explained to the family what was going on.

"She suffered a severe laceration to her larynx", Grace explained, "One of you will have to give blood."

"I will", the rest of the family said at the same time.

"I'm doing it", Luther stated as he began to take off his large coat.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy", Pogo told him, "Your blood is more compatible with mine."

"Hey don't sweat it", Klaus reassured, "I- I got this." Klaus pushed past Taya and went over to grace, tapping his arm, getting ready for the needle.

"I love needles", he stated.

"Master Klaus", Pogo called and Klaus turned to him, "Your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted."

"I'll do it", Taya spoke up and everyone looked at her as he walked over to Grace and held out her arm, "She saved my life before, this is my one chance to repay that debt."

Taya barely slept that night.


The next morning Taya was sitting in the room with her mom, she had barely slept and refused to leave Allison's side. She sat there quietly all day, hoping, praying that she was going to be okay. Luther sat on the opposite side of the bed as Grace stitched up Allison's wound. There was a small bandage on Taya's arm from where she had given some of her blood to Allison.

"Is she gonna make it?", Taya asked as Grace placed a bandage over the stitches.

"Yes", Grace answered, "But her vocal cords were badly damaged. It's a miracle that somehow, her carotid artery wasn't severed."

"Will she be able to talk?", Luther asked.

"It's too early to tell", Grace replied.

"More importantly, thanks to you, Taya and your brothers, she's still with us", Pogo said, Taya was still on her blood stained clothes, as well as her hands since she never left the room once. She was afraid that she wouldn't be there when Allison woke up.

Pogo walked over to Luther and Taya.

"Grace and I can take it from here, Master Luther, Miss Taya", Pogo told them and Taya shot him a look.

"I'm not leaving her", she snapped, which was completely out of character for the usually quiet girl. Her voice was hoarse and raspy.

"You're the last person I would trust here", Luther sighed, "I'm not going anywhere."

Pogo and Grace exchanged looks before they left the room in silence, leaving Taya and Luther alone with Allison. The two of them sat in silence. Taya began to zone out, she could hear Luther talking to Allison but she didn't bother to listen to what he was saying.

She looked at the ground silently, sighing to herself as she pushed her hair out of her face.


Taya had fallen asleep in the chair she was sitting in, but when she heard the sound of her mom waking up her eyes fluttered open in an instant and she sighed in relief, gripping Allispn's hand tightly.

"I'm here. We both are", the teenager reassured quietly, Allison opened her mouth to speak but Luther stopped her, telling her not to and telling her it will just cause more damage.

Allison made a hand gesture, showing that she needed to say something, Taya quickly handed her a pen and a notebook. Allison took it from her and clicked the pen before she started writing down what she wanted to say.

She had written down Viktor's name.

"We haven't found Uncle Viktor yet", Taya told her and she shook her head and then wrote down the word powers. That was when Taya realized Allison was trying to tell Luther Viktor had powers.

"I don't understand", Luther said and Taya sighed and opened her mouth, but Pogo beat her to it.

"I do", he said, "It's time for the last of your father's secrets to come to light." 

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