Chapter 15

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Taya and the rest of her family ran up the stairs of the theater, all of them were panting and out of breath. They were all about to enter the theater but Allison stopped Luther who was leading them and showed him a note that told him she needed to do this alone.

"Allison I can't let you do that. He's beyond reasoning", Luther argued and Diego stopped and turned around to see what the holdup was, Taya followed.

"You hear the music? It's started", Diego warned.

"Do you honestly think he's gonna listen? After everything that's happened?", Luther told Allison.

"We don't have time for this", Taya muttered under her breath.

"Okay", Luther sighed, giving Allison the signal to do what she had to do, before she left Taya hugged her once again, telling her to be safe. Allison hugged her back and nodded before she pulled away and ran in the direction of the performance.

"You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?", Diego guessed as they watched her leave.

"It's our best chance to incapacitate Viktor", Luther defended, "They'll thank us later." Diego, Klaus and Taya followed Luther. Taya really wasn't sure about this plan.

Luther snuck on stage right while Taya and Diego went to stage left, Viktor was doing an incredible job with his violin on the stage and Taya couldn't help but smile at that.

Luther and Diego ran over to Viktor at the same time, but before they could get to him he sent some kind of strong electric wave that sent them flying back, Taya got caught in it as well and her back hit the wall, knocking the wind out of her lungs which caused her to gasp and try to catch her breath.

She could hear the audience erupt into screams and commotion as they all began to rush out of the auditorium. Viktor did something to the orchestra which forced them to sit back down and continue playing.

Once Taya had caught her breath she got up to see her Viktor glowing a bright blue color, her eyes were wide as she quickly ran out of the stage door and ran to where the audience was, hoping to find the rest of her family.

Taya managed to get to her family and once all the audience members were out she hid behind the chairs with her mom, who was giving Luther one of the dirtiest looks she's ever seen. Taya ignored what Luther was saying.

"All right, so much for the element of surprise. What else have you got?', Diego asked as the orchestra kept on playing.

Allison banged on the chairs and caught her siblings attention, she made a hand gesture about the violin Viktor was playing, Taya realized what she was trying to say, disable the violin, Viktor will lose his lighting rod.

"The violin, it's his lightning rod. If we can take it from him and stop him from continuing to play we might have a shot at ending this", Taya translated, the guys from the bowling alley earlier appeared and began shooting again and everyone ducked, hoping to dodge the bullets.

The orchestra panicked and stopped playing as they got up to evacuate, all except for Viktor. Who continued playing his violin.

"What the hell happened to Klaus? He's supposed to be our lookout", Diego yelled as he stayed low to the ground.

"What's with all the lollygagging?", Five snapped as he blinked into the middle of the seat line where his family laid, more shots were fired and he dove down for safety. Taya covered her head as bullets zipped past it.

"I thought you bailed on us, Five!", Luther shouted over the newfound chaos.

"I had an errand to run", Five replied, "This is not good."

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