❛What More Could One Ask? A lot.❛

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The grass shuffles beneath my feet. The sun sets and cast an array of nice colors to the sky. Pink sherbet skies and nice pale clouds, what more could a person ask for? I could answer that in so many ways. A guardian. Someone to look out for me and care. A sister. No one to replace, just the original little girl I truly loved. An escape. A way out of this cruel world. A way away from the noises and screams, bottles and moans. A way away from the violence, and a place near freedom. A place I feel comfortable calling home.


The tea cup warms my hands. I can see the smoke disappear into the air, and eventually settle down. The design on the cup looks almost embroidered. A beautiful flower chain with leaves, in contrast to the milky white tea cup. I bring my lips up to the instrument and take a sip. My tongue burns at the warmth, and stings at the piercing hint of ginger. It's perfect though, the goldilocks fantasy. Not too hot to burn, and not too cold to be iced.

We all talk amongst ourselves, me included. I decided to finally speak up and get somewhat comfortable within the humble abode. George and Quackity stopped their bickering. Karl and George were standing side by side. Quackity had come up to them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders, placing himself in the middle.

"I love you guys! You truly are my familia! Even if you're not actually my familia..."

Karl awed at Quackity's sentence and wrapped his arm around him too. George on the other hand had scoffed, rolled his eyes, and pushed him away. Though he could not contain his smile! It was clear this moment was wholesome, but I was confused. The interaction had sparked some questions.

"What do you mean by not family?"

"Well we all actually came from different backgrounds, but when we came here we became such good friends that we all consider ourselves relatives!"

Quackity responds. Karl and George smile brighter at the explanation. A smile is forced on my face as well. Suddenly Quackity gets an idea.

"Wait- you could be in our family! We could be four brothers in a house! And then-"

His rant volume goes all the way down after the second sentence. As much as I appreciate his offer, wouldn't that be kind of weird? Especially with how I'm feeling with Karl right now. I'm certain how I feel is not some brotherly shit, but I also don't know what it is. I don't feel the same way with Quackity or George, so why Karl? Quackity's talking is brought to full volume again.

"What do you think?"

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm not sure. I do have a biological sister, so I'm not sure about it."

"Oh, that's understandable! Is she here?"

"No, she's isn't."

"Oh! So you must have just come here! So what's your past?"

The reoccurring thought of the past somehow keeps coming up. Between Tommy and Quackity, maybe even some other people in the future, how many people will ask me this? And when will I have the courage to respond and accept the fact that my childhood was shit.




Two long rings cut me off. Internally I'm glad for it, but I'm also confused.

"What was that-"


The three of them instantly plug their ears with their fingers, taking less than a second. I just look at them, confused, and unsure if I should do the same. The three of them look at me crazy, shaking their heads frantically, but not saying a word.

Suddenly I hear a ring. No, not a ring. A voice? A nice sing song melody that rings through my ears. Bounces off every wall in the room, and blasts my ear drums. It was so nice and settle, but at the same time felt like my ears were going to pop. I wasn't fazed by the noise at all, instead looking around to try and identify what it was.

Karl rushes up to me, shaking his hands frantically, fingers still tight in his ears, signalling for me to put mine in. But I don't see any harm not to, so I just look at him confused. All while listening to that sweet song repeat through my head over, and over, and over.

Karl takes matters into his own hands, pulling his fingers out and covering my ears. I jolt at this sudden movement, stitching my eyebrows together. I look in his eyes for an answer, but see something off putting. His pupils slowly get darker and darker. He blinks crazy, like he knows what's happening. Once the brown of his pupil is fully gone, the black spreads to the rest of his eyes. This time he can't fight whatever is happening, not blinking once. I can see tears well up in his eyes, one even trickling down his smooth clear skin. I shiver at the horrifying sight, so confused and scared.

Before the entirety of his eye is taken, I cover his ears. I didn't even do it on purpose, it just felt like an instinct. I can feel George and Quackity's eyes on us. The color soon settles, returning to just a black pupil, then his normal sunflower seed brown eyes. My eyes flicker from his pupils to his lips, occasionally going back and forth. I can see his cheeks flush pink by the second, tears drying up and disappearing.

I hear another ding, even though my ears are covered. Karl backs up from my grasp, letting me hear again. Everyone sighs in relief, everyone but me. I'm the one to ask the obvious.

"What was that?"



George is cut off by Karl shushing him. I raise an eyebrow, as the two seem to talk with their eyes for a minute. After a little, Karl grabs my arm and drags me, slowly approaching the door.

"Wha- where are we going?"

"To see the town."

"But we've already been to the town!"

"We'll we're going to see it from a bird's eye view."

The brothers say their goodbyes and farewells, while I'm still stuck in the moment. What. Just. Happened.

Sunflower Bath ~ A Karlnap FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now