❛In The Hands of my Mother❛

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Dead. I am dead. Or at least I feel dead. But in reality I'm not. I'm just running. My heart's still beating. I am alive. But I am dead. My heart is besting faster and faster, picking up the pace by the second. I can feel myself start to hyperventilate. I hiccup, and I hiccup again. Tears stream down my face. Am I dead yet? I feel dead. Do I want to be dead? I always wish that I die but why haven't I done it? Because of Maybelline. But now, now it's different. Would I still jump off a cliff right now? With nothing holding me back, would I still jump? The thing is we all want to die, but the killing makes us too scared. And that's just the truth. Only the people with true guts kill themselves. Would I still jump?


"No! Let me go!"

I scream at the top of my lungs, wishing for them to just let me go. I want to engulf Karl into a nice hug, then smother him in my love and kisses. But how am I going to do that with these idiots holding me back. I scream things I never knew I could. I scream things that aren't true.


"I love you too."

He replies calmly, tears rolling down his face. I can feel an unknown presence watching, but that doesn't stop me from yelling.


"I love you, okay. But you really need to go."

I sigh and look at Karl with tears in my eyes. We've made it back to the flower. On the same petaled plane where we once began. Where we were younger by a couple hours, where times we simpler. Where we began. 

I'm still hiccuping from my previous fit. I see a portal on the flower. I guess that's where I came from, and that's where I'm going. I can feel the guards getting reading to throw me in. Just before I go, I can hear the wail of the predator. I scream and shout, wanting to fight and help. But I can't. So I just scream.

"Karl- I- No!"

I get pushed through the portal, getting lost in my own feelings. That's when I realize, I'm the only one on the other side. I won't see the people that I have interacted with for possibly forever. Happiness isn't on the other side. All I get from the real world is but a glimpse. This whole time I haven't realized how much I should have worshiped the love I was receiving, and given more to the people surrounding me. George isn't on the other side. Tommy isn't on the other side. Quackity isn't on the other side. And most importantly, Karl isn't on the other side. There's only one person on the other side, Maybelline. My sister. My ongoing motivation. Is one better than a fantasy? The answer is no, they're equal.

My eyes swell up with tears, which disappear into the flooding water, swirling around and tossing me recklessly. The water represents the amount of tears I cry, and the pain that floods out of my eyes. This amount of water could reach heaven's gates and push their way in. Past any guards, angels, and even the brutal force, Satan. The question is, where would it stop? Tears are infinite. I believe no mater how many tears I cry, I will always have an infinite supply. My body will forever produce them, as I'm forever sad. I'm forever sad on the other side.

I arrive on the other side. I pop my head out the bath, gasping for air. I look at the sky, seeing an array of stars. That can only mean that it's night time. I jump out of the bath, clothes turning magically dry. I don't think about the magic for too long and grab my bag, which was still resting on the tree. I take some flowers to make a bouquet for Maybelline. I run away, looking back once. I see the bath disappear, shocking me. I even go back to look for it, but it truly disappeared. The one quirk to the sunflower bath that was never told to me.

I continue running to my house. If I don't have Karl, then I'll have Maybelline. I check the time on my watch. The time reads 11:47. I need to make in home before her birthday starts. I jump fences of other homes, trip over sticks and even cause some damage to my body. But it's worth it, all worth it for Maybelline.

I finally make it to my house. I check my watch again. 11:54.

I creak the door open as quietly as I can. I make sure to shut and lock it quietly as well. I look around my living room, and find my dad sleeping peacefully on the couch. Even more of a reason to be quiet. I tiptoe through the room and up the stairs, placing my bag in my room, then immediately going to Maybelline's room with the bouquet in my hand.

In knock on her door, still making sure to me quiet. The moon shining through the window is the only thing lighting the room up. I hear a small whimper but nothing more. The light from the moon suddenly reveals something that's never good to see. Blood. On the floor. Barley any, but still, it's blood.

I twist the door nob, being surprised that her door opens. Weird. It should have been locked?

I peers through the door, not seeing anything until I look down.

Blood. Blood everywhere. Shards of glass in her hair. Scars scattered across her face. Blood trickling down everywhere. Her eyes barley opening. I gasp, tears immediately rolling down my face. I toss the bouquet down, and crunch to tend to my sister. 

"Maybelline- what h-happened?"

"Where... W-where were you?"

More tears are brought to my face as she utters out all the words she can.

"I- I honestly don't know. I-I-I'm sorry!"

"What time is it?"

I check my watch.


She chukles.

"Well big bro, I don't think I'm going to make it."

My eyes widen and I gasp. I put my hands on her chest and shake her, pumping my hands up and down to try and keep her heart going.

"No- please! Maybelline you can't just give up!"

"Oh, look at your watch."

I look back again. It's 12:00.

"I made it! It's my birthday!"


I say, voice crumbling at the sight.

"Yes it is."

"Can we sing happy birthday?"

"Y-yes. Of course! Anything for you."

We start singing together, he voice frail and weak. I continue pumping her chest as we sing. Suddenly her eyes close, and her voice drops. She stops singing.

"Happy birthday dear Maybel- Maybelline? Maybelline!"

I shake her aggressively, but no movement.

"Maybelline! Please! Happy birthday to you? You're still there right? We need to finish the song! Maybelline! May-maybelline-"

I cry onto her chest, not caring if the monster below hears me.

And maybe at that moment my mother was with me. She was staring at my tears and asking me why I was crying. Rubbing my cheek and singing her song that we made, and only we heard. She lowered the knife from her arm and held me as she was dying. Apologizing for what she had done. Apologizing that she had to leave. She talked to me with a smile. Eyes glistening as water poured out of them. The heavens took her soul away that very second. I know she didn't regret the cuts, but she regretting leaving me. But in this very moment maybe my mother was with me. This time looking over my shoulder at the mess that was created. Telling me that it wasn't my sister who caused this harm, but that horrendous monster. Calling the police and begging for help. I know it was her because it sure wasn't me. I know it was her because if it wasn't me, it was all in the hands of my mother. The women who supposedly viewed from the heavens, but came down to earth in the aid of her daughter. 

Maybe at this very moment my mother is with me. But maybe at this very moment my sister is not. Maybe at this very moment my mother blessed her soul and un-cursed her broken heart, but she never tended to mine.

Maybe at this very moment my mother and sister are not on the face of this planet. But I am. On the plane of land that we call earth.

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