Chapter Twelve: Secrets and Lies

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Authors Note: so I'm going to do something different I'm going to do different POV and see how it goes. I would appreciate if you would let me know if I should do different POVs


Damian's POV: "Hello Christina." I greeted Quinn's mother.

      "Damian." She replied back.

      "How did she take it."

      "Not very well. She ran away before I could even tell her much."

      "That girl. Ugh. Sometimes she can be really annoying."

      "You don't mean that. You love her."

      "Yeah and it kills me to betray her like this. Well actually it's kinda fun." I the snickered a little

      "Dear Lord." She said then laughed.

      "Where's Taylor and Dylan?" I asked.

      "They are coming. Be patient."

      "Quinn will never see this coming." I said while laughing but I still felt guilt because I do love her. What's wrong with me? I thought. Revenge. That's what it is. I want nothing but revenge.


Taylor's POV: "Nalia I have to go." I told my lovely girlfriend. God how I loved her. I wish she knew how much. But if she founds out my secret she could hate me which would break me but I rather her hate me than her be dead.

     "Awe why?" Nalia asked.

     "Oh I'm taking my mom out for dinner." I lied. God it hurts to lie to her.

      "Awe that's sweet. Okay have fun!" She said then hugged me.

      I hugged her back. "I will." I said with tears in my eyes.


Dylan's POV: I love her. I Love Her Too Much. I Don't Want To Do This But I Have To. It's This Or she dies. Why me. These sentences kept repeating in my head. I Have Fightback.

       Once I arrived a Christina's house I saw everyone was already here. Oh Great. What's Going To Be My Punishment For Being Late.

        I walked in and it was a mad house. The three of them were screaming and fighting with each other.

       "What is going on!" I yelled through the noise.

        They all stopped and looked at me.

        "You're just in time Dylan. Take a seat." Christina said.

        I just stood there. Don't let her get to you this time. Instead Deal With The Punishments.

        "Alright then" She said looking at me. "We all know the plan but let's go over it anyways."

         We nodded. I looked at Taylor he looks like he had been crying, then at Damian who had smirk on his face. What's gotten into Damian. I thought to myself.

       "Okay so Damian, you have to go to Quinn with this letter and then hold her and cuddle with her until 3:00 pm. Then around 4:30 Dylan you text and invite her to dinner at the diner at 5:30. Then at 5:29 until Quinn sees you, you will kiss Rachel-"

        "No!" I yelled. "I'm tired of hurting her." I said crying now. "I love her to much. I'm done with this crap. So no!" I came closer to Christiania. I think I scared her because she backed up a bit and reached for something. She then stabbed me in the shoulder with a kitchen knife. I winced in pain. I punched her with my good arm and knocked her to the ground. Then Damian grabbed me and started pounding at my face and my stomach.

      "Stop." Christina finally said.

      Damian let go of me and I fell to the ground. My head was throbbing. My mouth was bleeding my left eye was swelled shut my stomach hurt so bad. And my shoulder was numb. I'm to weak…

     "Next time. Listen." Christina said.

    Taylor helped me up and whispered "You're very brave but never do it again. Trust me this hurts me too."

     All I did was nod. Why does it hurt him?

    "Okay now let's continue. Rachel you may come out." Christina said.

    As soon as she came I disagreed with the plan even more than before. It was my ex Rachael Morgan. She was obsessed with me and really annoying and well just nothing compared to Quinn.

"Miss me?" She said then laughed.

"Nope not one bit." I said then she frowned which made me smirk.

"Be nice." Christina said, "You do have to kiss her because if you don't kiss her bad things will happen." she threatened.

I looked at the floor. "Okay." I Said.

"Okay Tomorrow then we will do the plan."

We all nodded and then Rachel came up to me while the others left.

"Wanna practice that kiss?" She whispered in my ear standing really close to me.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes she frowned and looked at me.

"You really do love her don't you?" She said

I nodded and let the tears fall. She reached for my arm and said, "It's okay."

"How is it okay! I love her! I have already made her suffer enough!" My voice cracked.

"I don't know. I'm just trying to help." She replied back.

"Well you're not. You always made everything worse.

She looked at me with shock and then left. I then sat down and curled up in a ball and cried. And cried. And cried. Why…just…why

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