Chapter Sixteen

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Taylor's POV: "What do you want Christina?" I said as I walked in the door. I was frustrated I had to leave Nalia like that.

     "You. To. Get. Rid. Of. Nalia." Christina said.

     "Tell me you didn't say what I think you said." I told her.

     "Oh I said it." She said smiling at me.

      I looked at her in disgust. Then I flipped on her.

      "You have ruined my life. I never asked to be your son! I never ask to hurt my sister like this and her not even know it's me. And what I hate most is you keeping me from my girl. And now you want me too hurt her? Why?!"

         "Oh sweetie. I never asked for you to my son. I was drunk. Anyway you're not going to hurt her! You're going to kill her!" She said smirking like the idiot she is.

           I charged at her. I knocked her to the ground and pinned her there. Her expression was complete shock. I got up and ran. I grabbed my phone and called 911. I was done she can hurt me all she wants. As long as Nalia's safe. I told 911 everything. Christina was chasing me and the last thing I heard was a gun shot then everything going black.


Dylan's POV: I started leaving the hospital when I saw a familer face pass by me on a stretcher. I turned and saw it was Taylor. Christina. I instantly thought. I ran out side and a few blocks down I saw cop cars and her getting shoved into the back of the car. I felt like the world had been lifted off my shoulders. It was over. Final....then I realized. It's not. For all I know Quinn and Taylor are dead. And Damian is lose and who knows who else got hurt. I didn't suffer enough. I walked around to the back of the building and pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a Quinn a letter and put it in a envolpe and went back around and told the lady at the front desk to put it on her grave. She told me she might not be dead. From what I saw she is and anyway. I caused her to much pain I had to do this. I walked around back and took my belt off and made a big enough for my head. I grabbed nearest trash can and put in under the nearest street light. Its all my fault all of this. If didn't encourage her to try to be an actress she never would have gotten denied and she wouldn't be a physico. Its my fault... I stood on the trash can and tied the other part of my belt around it. I put my head in the loop and I heard someone scream then I kicked the trash can.

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