Chapter 3

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It was Friday and Andrea couldn’t be happier about it. Her morning began in a rather dreary manner, having breakfast with her parents and brother was never exciting. Then her tutors arrived shortly afterwards and she dove right into her set lessons, which were horribly boring but manageable. It was a good thing that Andrea was smarter than the average student and could easily adjust to home-schooling, which was far worse than actual school. 

It offered less freedom but at least it was in the comfort of her home and she was free to wear whatever she wanted instead of the pristine yet somehow tacky uniform back at Charlton. Speaking of which, last night before retiring to bed after doing her assignments, she logged onto Facebook to check out Rhett’s profile. Apparently, he was going to throw a party, which was a habit of his. He was probably lonely due to his parents being out of town…again. 

It would be the perfect opportunity for her to confront both him and Sydney about that rubbish lies they had been telling everyone else, but how would she leave the house in the first place? Her father had tightened the reigns on her, all but prohibiting her from going out whenever she wanted. Before, he wouldn’t have cared about were she was going; his only concern was her returning home before midnight. Alas, that was then and now, she was trapped in the walls of the cold mansion.

Andrea racked her brain for something, anything that would allow her to go out tonight. The only thing that came to mind was fabricating some story about her and Salvador going out to the movies. Only then would Emilio agree, well probably because her brother so far was his most trusted child but knowing Chava, he would refuse in a heartbeat. 

Quickly finishing off the last of her differential equations, Andre handed the paper to her mathematics tutor, Mr. Cooper. He was a short and stout man in his mid to late forties, with the mad scientist look. He wasn’t exactly her favourite tutor but at the same time, she had no qualms about him either. He grabbed the paper, scanned it briefly before tucking it away in his huge folder bag.

“Okay, Miss Dos Ramos, well done. Since you’ve been working so hard and excelling in my subject, I will not be giving you any homework this weekend,” he said in a professional tone, face poker. 

She nodded energetically. That was incredible news to her, and so far, it seems that all her teachers shared the same sentiments. “Thank you, Mr Cooper,” she smiled widely at him and his lips quirked slightly at this. 

He began to put his things away. “Alright. I’ll be going now, it is a Friday after all and I have karaoke night with my friends,” he told her in a light tone and she had to stifle a laugh. It’s just that she would have never pegged him as the karaoke type.

Andrea also went over to her desk and placed her stationery in her back pack. It was silly to have one, since she did technically live here but sometimes it would be cumbersome to carry them all in her hands so she had opted to have the bag. Salvador had laughed at her for it, which ended with him receiving a huge punch to the gut. After that, he never said a word about it.

Going out of the room, Andrea began to walk down the hall leading to the foyer. Just when she was about to go up the stairs, the front door opened. She pivoted on her heels to see who it was, and was utterly stupefied to see Omar in all his handsome glory. They both locked eyes for an intense couple of seconds, before Andrea looked away, heat creeping up her neck. I always could never look him in the eye for too long.

“You could at least say hello to your future husband,” he teased harmlessly, his London accent tickling her ear drums delicately. 

Andrea cleared her throat awkwardly. “Wh-what are you doing here?” she asked him in a rather flustered voice. He took some steps closer to her, until he was standing a few inches away from her. He easily towered over her, making her shiver in both desire and discomfort.

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