Chapter 5

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The music in the club was loud, but not to the point that it could hurt someone’s eardrums. Omar was seated in the VIP section of Los Momentos, along with Adriano and Santiago. As he had promised, he thought he’d treat one of his closest friends to a night out in order to celebrate him becoming a soon to be father.

He took a long sip of his beer, and let his eyes roam over the local talent. The dance floor was littered with a bevy of desirable women, and most of them kept looking in their direction. Being the shameless flirt he was, Omar winked at one red head dressed in a skimpy leather outfit, and she giggled in response.

He was nudged in the side. “You seem to be forgetting that you’re somebody’s fiancé,” Adriano said in an unimpressed tone, and turned around to place his glass bottle on the counter top.

Omar laughed bitterly, and begrudgingly averted his attention from the sexy woman with the terrible dance moves. She could be terrible in bed as well for all I know. “No need to remind me of that unfortunate occurrence,” he replied, disgruntled as his mind flashed back to the conversation he had had with Emilio the previous day.


Emilio stepped out of the mansion and into the spacious back yard that had an Olympic sized pool along with a patio and an eating area. Omar followed along wordlessly, drinking in the extravagance of his surroundings. It was obvious that the Dos Ramos’s were wealthy, but judging by their property, which he was getting to explore for the very first time, these people were filthy rich.

They continued to walk until they reached a pathway decorated with various flowers that led to large garden. “So, what are your intentions with my daughter, Omar?” Emilio finally asked, his penetrative and icy blue irises giving him an inquisitive look.

Omar gulped. It was a very simple question, but there was something that told him that if he uttered the wrong words, this man wouldn’t hesitate to throttle him. “T-to marry her and raise our child together,” he responded warily, even managing to stutter pitifully.

Sensing his nervousness, Emilio tilted his head in derision. “Is that so? Then why haven’t you been showing the least bit interest in doing so? The last time we talked was during Thanksgiving and I know for certain that you’ve been giving Andrea the cold shoulder,” he stated slowly, his voice getting harder with each word.

With the way Omar’s heart was beating so fast, it was like it would leap out of his mouth at any second. “Mr. Dos Ramos, forgive me for my negligence. It’s just that I’ve been running around carrying out my father’s business deals here in Miami. He intends to open up a division of our winery on this side too,” he told him, and then wiped the sweat that had formed on his brow. Is it hot out here or it’s just me? Dammit, it’s winter for heaven’s sake!

Emilio’s lips thinned and he paced forward, further into the garden. On the other end of it, Dolores was crouched over, wearing overalls that looked expensive and a bandana covering her chestnut hair. She was planting a new row of orchids, and looked deeply engrossed in the task at hand.

He smiled faintly at his wife. “My wife is the apple of my eye. Nothing matters more than her; I’d do anything for her. Same applies for each and every one of my children. Andrea is my baby girl, my youngest daughter. Rebellious just like her mother; polar opposite of her sister Ximena. But I’d destroy anybody who makes her cry, including you,” he growled lowly, his eyes darkening gradually.

If Omar wasn’t afraid before, well now he was scared shitless. “I-I wouldn’t do such a thing, I swear!” he vowed with a tremble in his voice.

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