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Three Years Later
Andrea’s P.O.V
Today was the day of the final match in the big tennis Derby. I’d been working my ass off for so long to prove my worth, I’d impressed many recruiters and I had a hunch that I was going to win this. I’d had laser vision on the title of champion, as well as the chance to go pro after college. It had always been a dream of mine to become a tennis ace like Billy Jean King, whilst also having my footing in the business world. I had big plans to start my own line of fashionable sportswear and becoming the next big name in the game would surely set me up for success.
I’d woken up super early to get in my 1-hour run, before hitting the gym for some cardio and arm work. After hitting a couple of sessions with my coach and basically almost hitting him in the face with a ball, he deemed me ready. I was fierce but most importantly, I was ready.
It was not easy for me to get back into playing tennis after I lost the baby all those years ago, but I somehow found the determination. Coming to Britain was the best thing that happened to me. I already loved it here and fitting in wasn’t too hard, except for the initial part where my reputation had preceded me. I shrugged it off, and soon I found my groove. I’d made a ton of friends, put the scandals behind me and a lot of things that affected me previously didn’t have a hold on me anymore.
I had to admit, I was decidedly nervous about today. Not only was my family going to be there, but this match was going to be broadcast on a lot of television networks. I’d already risen in popularity on social media, and I could be recognized wherever I went. I was already used to it at this point, only that now it was for an entirely, positive reason.
My match started at two thirty in the afternoon, so I had a lot of time to kill until then. I showered, had a light breakfast before getting in a bit of studying. As the time neared, I geared up, gathered my equipment, and made my way to the venue. The first people I saw when I got there were my parents, Ximena and Adriano. Salvador was very busy with school over at Wharton as he was having exams but had wished me the best previously and promised to watch my match online.
“So proud of you sis, for making it this far,” Ximena gushed and gave me a huge embrace. I hugged her back with a smile.
“Thank you. You know, this would have been a lot better if you’d brought Javier and Reina with you. They’re like my little lucky charms,” I told her, and Adriano blew out a breath through his mouth.
“They’ve become a lot naughtier, so we had to leave them at the hotel with a couple of nannies. Ximena and I can barely handle them anymore. The two together are a dangerous duo,” he trailed off warily but cupped my cheek. “Nevertheless, we all know that you’re going to win, get that trophy and have that title.”
My father pulled me into his chest, something I had grown accustomed to now. “My daughter is the best tennis player there ever will be. You don’t know how proud I am to be your father,” he said with sincerity shining brightly in his cyan eyes.
My mother laughed. “Do you know that you’re the only person who he’s so confident in before even calculating the outcome or chances of success. Never thought I’d see the day when Emilio Dos Ramos became soft. But he’s right, you’ve got in the bag, amor,” she beamed before placing a kiss on my cheek.
I blushed at their appraisal. These people were a very great support system, and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. Chelsea and Santiago had also cheered me on, but they were both currently busy with a joint venture they’d started up not too long ago, a chain of night clubs all over the states. Their schedules had become crazy, and if I wasn’t wrong, wedding bells were ringing for them both. I knew that he was planning on popping the question to her over Thanksgiving and I was so ready to see it. They deserved their happy ever after.
I checked the time on my watch and noticed that so much time had passed. “I better get prepped up. My match starts in less than twenty minutes. Again, thank you guys so much for coming. It means a lot to me,” I said, and they all gave me a group hug. Finally, we were one big happy family, despite Salvador being absent but I knew he was here with us in spirit.
I hurried over to the dressing room, but on my way there, I spotted someone familiar in the stands who was watching me from a distance. I shook my head, refusing to believe it because there was no way he would be here. I went in and removed my tracksuit, changed into my custom-made Nike trainers, cap and wrist bands. My phone began to buzz, and I saw Aliyah’s name flashing across the screen.
“Hey b-tch,” she chirped. “I know that this isn’t the best time to call but I just wanted to tell you that I don’t feel sorry for the loser whose ass you’re about to kick so severely that they’ll have literal nightmares about it for years to come,” she stated seriously, and I couldn’t help but chortle.
“You always manage to make my day. Thanks for believing in me, Ali.”
She sighed. “You know damn well that if I could have been there, I’d have shown up in Andrea regalia, and I’d made a huge scene with my cheering. Hell, I’d even flash my titties for you babe,” she joked, and I again laughed at her antics. It didn’t matter that we only got to see each other on holidays, this girl was like a sister to me. And even though her relationship with Salvador didn’t work out, they remained friends and kept things cordial.
“I know, you’re a loose cannon. I’ve got to go, it’s almost time.”
“Go get ‘em tiger. Love ya!”
“Love ya too!” I said before ending the call and putting my stuff in the locker. It was virtually empty in here and I was very happy about that. Having this space all to myself felt refreshing and I’d definitely be doing a victory dance in here once I win, which is a bonus since nobody would be around to see it.
I stood up, racket in hand and determination surging in my body. “Let’s do this.”
My opponent was a beast, but no matter how she hard she tried to outsmart me, I was one step ahead of her. As soon as I scored a point, she would counter by scoring some of her own but in the end, I slammed her, and I won. I heard cries and cheers bursting from the stands. They were all praising and chanting my name. I could see that the recruiters were very impressed. When the time came for me to get my trophy, I had my family join me and many pictures were taken by the press. I was interviewed too by many reporters and congratulated by so many people it was insane. Even my opponent and I shared a hug and she congratulated me. The grin on my face just couldn’t we wiped off.
If only I had known that I’d spoken too soon.
After the recruiters said they’d want to set up a meeting with me, I gave them my contact details and finally got a chance to slip away to the vacant dressing room. I stripped out of my clothes and headed straight to the shower, where I performed said victory dance and sang my lungs out. Too bad my singing and dancing skills were limited but who the hell cared? With all the noise outside, I doubt anyone would hear me.
I turned off the faucet and dried myself off with my pink fluffy towel before wrapping it around my body and making it back into the locker room. I’d just opened my locker when a voice sounded and almost scared me out of my skin. “Congratulations, Andy.”
My heart began to thump so fast, and I closed my eyes. So, it wasn’t a figment of my imagination. I really did see him. I clenched my teeth and turned around, coming face to face with the man who’d haunted my dreams for the last three years, looking devilishly handsome in a grey pinstriped Hugo Boss suit, face clean shaven and hair gelled back to perfection. I don’t know how, but he had gotten even sexier than I’d remembered. “What are you doing here, Omar?”
He was casually leaned against the lockers on the opposite side, smirk in place and his obsidian eyes were roving all over my body. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel hot all over because of that. “I came to observe your skills, love. People have been raving about you for a while now and I just had to see it for myself. Got to say, you’re damn good. You just might be the next Serena Williams,” he drawled huskily and began to step towards me.
Shit. Nothing had prepared me for this scenario but deep down I was elated because I had been waiting for this moment. Once he stepped closer to me, he stared down at me with due to that height difference that had always existed between us. His gaze flickered to my lips, making the hair on my neck stand. I wanted to kiss him so badly but first…
I raised my hand a slapped him across the face with all my strength. Let’s just say that caught him off guard.
He held his check and looked at me with shock and indignation. “What the hell did you do that for?” he voiced angrily.
“That is something I had been itching to do for so long. It’s for ghosting me for literally three years!” I yelled; eyes narrowed to slits. I then pocked his chest with my finger, almost breaking it in the process. Damn, he was built like a statue now. “How dare you show up in my life after acting like I didn’t exist? Did you expect me to kiss you or something?”
He chuckled humorlessly. “I did think you were going to kiss me, but I should have seen that slap coming. In fact, I deserve an ass kicking,” he replied honestly, and I scoffed.
“You really do. But I’ll spare you so get the hell out before I get you thrown out. Imagine how bad that would look. You walking in on me in the locker room all alone and naked. That wouldn’t be good for a billionaire CEO,” I seethed, getting ready to head for the door but he stopped me by placing his hand on my stomach.
“Andrea, please don’t. I really need to talk to you,” he pleaded with a desperate tone, facial expression troubled.
Trying to ignore the butterflies that had risen in my stomach at his touch, I gave him an open glare. “I waited for three years for you to talk. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how I needed you by my side even though you betrayed my trust. When you left, it destroyed me,” I shouted but my voice cracked with raw emotion. Tears sprang to my eyes, a pang tweaking in my chest. “I thought my life was over when you left.”
He moved closer and cupped my cheeks, wiping away the tears that had strayed from my eyelids. “Sweetheart,” he said, voice strained. “I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. I stayed away because I thought you wanted nothing to do with me after everything that happened. You did tell me to stay away from you, and I obliged. I didn’t know it would hurt you.”
I sniffed, rubbing my elbow. “It hurt me so much. I know what I said but f—k I regret saying that. I thought you were behind everything but then when I heard about you exposing your brother, father, Sydney and Rhett…I regretted blaming you. I felt so guilty because I pushed you away-,”
He cut me off. “Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t ever your fault, and I don’t want you thinking that. I did everything for you; I made sure that those who were responsible for your pain and the death of our daughter. Nothing mattered to me more than making sure I had vindicated both of you. But I won’t deny that I was a dick back then. It took me far too long to realize that I loved you…still love you,” he whispered, and I sucked in a breath. He still loves me?
Omar chuckled lightly. “Don’t look so shocked. Didn’t Salvador ever pass on the last message I gave to him?” I shook my head, and he rolled his eyes. “That makes sense. But Andrea, I love you even though I don’t deserve to love you or even be talking to you right now. I screwed up with you from the moment I saw you and if I could turn back time, I’d do it and do things properly. I acted like a jackass to you on numerous accounts, and that is something I’ll never forgive myself for.”
I ran my hands over his and attempted to smile. “There are times when I wish Amelia could have been with us so we could have been a family,” I told him, and he looked at me in confusion. “That’s the name I gave our daughter.”
He smiled. “It’s a beautiful name,” he replied earnestly. We stared at each other for a little while longer before I placed my lips on his. I didn’t care about how he’d left me for so long, but what mattered was that he apologized, and he had come back to me. Heaven knows I prayed and hoped for him to come back to me.
Things escalated pretty quickly, from me snaking my arms around his neck to him lifting me by my thighs making wrap my legs around his waist. He pressed my back against the lockers, kissing me wildly and passionately. Heat pooled at the bottom of my belly, and I could feel myself slowing losing control. His lips left mine and went along my jawline and neck, leaving a trail of feathery kisses. I moaned loudly as his hands explored my body. “Omar,” I breathed, my hand threading into his hair.
“You’ve become so much more desirable. Your maturity and femininity are making me weak,” he groaned, cupping one of my ass cheeks. His lips when now near the valley of my breasts. “Andrea, you’re so perfect.”
I knew the direction in which this was going, and as much as I wanted it, I needed to practice restraint. I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. “Omar…wait. We…can’t,” I whispered in between moans, and he stopped, bringing his face back to mine. “Remember what happened the last time.”
He smiled at me lopsidedly. “Check my blazer pocket,” he instructed teasingly. I frowned but did as he said, reaching my free hand into his front pocket and bringing out an unused condom.
I laughed in incredulity. “You’re so shameless. Did you really plan on us hooking up when you walked in here?” I demanded playfully.
He shrugged. “I always choose to air on the side of caution these days. But if you don’t want to, I completely understand,” he said and began to back away, but I kept him in place by clenching my legs around him. He smirked at this, running his hand on my bare thigh. The only thing holding him back from my body was a flimsy towel and I knew for a fact he was enjoying this position.
“Oh, I want to, but this better not be some one-time thing. If you’re back in my life, you better be back for good,” I warned him, twirling the little packet in my hand. If my parents knew what was happening right now…
He pecked my lips. “If you’re willing to have me, then I’m staying. I love you.”
I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him passionately. “I love you too, Omar.”
What happened next was the most mind-blowing experience of my life, even better than the first time. We couldn’t go on for long because I still had to meet up with my parents, Ximena, and Adriano afterwards but Omar sure did know how to make the moment last. Every kiss, every touch, every caress just made me melt into his arms.
And the best part about it all was that now, he was all mine; he was in for the long haul.


Holy shit guys. It's over. It's done. 😢😢😢

I am so happy and sad at the same time. I'd been reluctant to write about these two but damn, I love Andrea and Omar.

So, this is it. Was the ending good enough for you?

What did you think of the whole journey?

I know some will request a bonus chapter....we will see about that 😃.

I love you guys. You were a splendid audience! I'll miss you all. I know it sounds like I'm saying goodbye but that's because maybe I am...but don't be sad. You'll hear from me again someday ❤❤❤.

Take care and signing off,

~Denise T Murira.

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