Chapter 4

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"I cannot believe that mum and dad agreed to this," Salvador breathed in slight disbelief, backing out of their garage in his BMW M8 coupè.

Andrea shrugged. "Well, I can. You know that mum is more reasonable than dad and the only reason he agreed is because dad trusts you, to an extent. Which amazes me since you're a cunning phoney," she replied offhandedly, and Salvador cast a side-ways glance at her.

He made it past the cast iron gates with a nod to the guards and soon, they were on the highway. "At least my secrets don't really harm anyone. You do realise that this is a bad idea, right? For starters, you are pregnant and parties thrown by dumbass teenagers should not be your kind of scene. Secondly, you're a bit crazy so heaven only knows what kind of nonsense you'll get yourself into today. Lastly, if we get caught, it will be my ass on the line to agreeing to this. I don't know about you, but losing dad's trust is not on my list of things to do this year," he told her truthfully, steadily increasing the speed of his sportscars as he weaved around other cars.

"Chava, I made one mistake and my whole life went to shit. Now, I cannot even go to school and I'm getting married to the biggest Casanova there is. To add fuel to the already humongous fire, my ex-boyfriend is dating my archnemesis and telling the whole school that I was abandoned by my own family hence why I'm going to confront them. My reputation is already in shambles, I need to protect what's left of my dignity," she said, her throat feeling clogged. She inconspicuously wiped away a tear that had strayed down her cheek.

Silence settled between the two siblings. It was the truth but nobody seemed to understand it. In fact, everybody she ever cared about more or less treated her like a damaged porcelain doll or a complete outcast, and it wasn't fair in the slightest. She hadn't meant to sound so emotional; it must have been the pregnancy hormones that were kicking in. All she could think was how utterly miserable she had been for some time now.

Almost half an hour later, the car pulled up to the posh neighbourhood in which Rhett resided. It was nothing compared to the one Andrea's family lived in, and the Saunders abode was by far smaller than theirs. The only thing that had them at an advantage was the beach backdrop which wasn't too far away from their backyard.

The front of the house was surrounded by all sorts of luxury cars, inebriated or half-inebriated teenagers plus red plastic cups. The music blasting into the open cold air was deafeningly loud, it was a wonder how the neighbours hadn't called the police yet.

Exiting the car, Andrea shut the door behind her and readjusted her black Hermes coat, which covered her black and white Versace dress that ended mid-thigh, and matched her white Dolce and Gabbana three-inch heels. It was a huge relief the dress fit, but it felt excessively tight from putting on a little weight.

As she was about to walk up to the entrance of the house, Salvador caught her by the elbow. She turned to him; her eyebrow raised in question. "Listen, I know that you're going through a lot. And I've been pretty unfair to you, and I'm sorry. But never doubt for a second that I care about you, a lot. I'll stick around just to watch but if something goes wrong, I'll come to rescue you in a heartbeat, okay?" he mumbled awkwardly, his hazel eyes holding a glint of sincerity.

Andrea smiled at this. She knew that he was indeed as cold as her father and had a hard time expressing his true feelings, but those words came from the bottom of her heart. She nodded appreciatively at him before she made her way up the front stairs and into the madness. High school parties had never been her kind of scene but that didn't mean she was the type to miss out on them before.

The music was even louder on the inside, and there were so many people there; grinding, drinking, smoking, making out and doing pretty much everything else that was both disgusting and illegal. As she walked further into the house, recognition flashed on some of the people's faces. One of her friends, Aliyah, rushed up to her and caught her in bone-crushing hug.

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