Chapter 9

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“You’ve been grinning like a Cheshire cat since you sat down. What the hell is that about?” Salvador inquired from his seat, which was opposite Andrea’s. 

It was true, the smile just couldn’t wipe off her face ever since Omar had dropped her back home about an hour ago. He had been so affectionate with her, and the way he kissed her made her heart do somersaults. It was safe to say that she was in a good mood. “Nothing, dearest brother,” she said, her smile intact and drank her cranberry juice.

“How the doctor’s appointment?” her father asked, his cyan eyes trained on her in curiosity. He was a bit bothered by his daughter’s sudden change in demeanour, not that he wanted to see her sad or anything like that but the look on her face was akin to a lovestruck teenager…which just might be the case.

She shrugged. “It was okay. The Dr Daschle said that the baby is okay and my vitals are all fine. Nothing to worry about," she replied in a cheery tone. 

Emilio nodded and then looked over at his wife, who was still giving him the cold shoulder. He sighed, before rising from his seat. “I’m quite stuffed, I will be seeing you all in the morning. Good night children,” he said and stepped closer to his wife to place a kiss on her check, which she skilfully dodged. “Dolores,” he whined but she looked to the side and ignored him. With a shake of his head, he walked away.

“Mum, don’t you think that this had gone on for too long?” Andrea asked. It didn’t please her to see her parents not on speaking terms. They were normally so loved up like a newly wed couple, and now they were behaving like strangers. “Dad is suffering mum,” she trailed off. 

Salvador nodded. “I think it’s time you two patch things up-,”

“Enough!” Dolores shouted and banged her fist on the table, silencing both her children. “You two are just children and this is beyond your scope. What your father and I are going through is none of your business, so stay out of it. Until the arrogant hijo de puta (son of a b-) learns to put our marriage over his damn pride and be man enough to apologise, then I won’t say a single word to him,” she added sharply. She took the napkin off her lap, and threw it on the table.  “I’m going to bed,” she grumbled before she also rose from her seat and stormed off.

Santiago and Andrea both stared at each other. He shook his head and reclined in his chair. “I’m convinced that those two are headed straight for a divorce,” he sighed, and Andrea couldn’t help but agree with him. Things were certainly not looking to great.

“We need Ximena’s help. She will know what to do,” Andrea mumbled, her previous good mood having dimmed tremendously. Their older sister was always the one who would help their parents had a little spat or argument. She was mature beyond her years, and now that she wasn’t there, they both felt helpless.

Santiago nodded. He stood from the table. “Come on,” he said and motioned for her stand up as well.

Andrea frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“We’re going over to Adriano and Ximena’s house right now.”


Salvador pulled up to the driveway of the house and cut the engine. “Do you think we should have told them that we’d be here in advance?” he asked, briefly glancing at the house which had most of the lights off. It was almost half nine in the evening, but surely, they’d still be up, right?

“We were in a rush to get here, and calling slipped my mind. I think they’ll be happy to see us,” she said with a shrug before she hopped out of the car. 

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