Chapter 31

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Omar couldn’t believe what was happening. He had suspected that his father might want to screw over the Dos Ramos family, but he had never imagined the great lengths he was willing to go, and there was no doubt in his mind that his brothers had something to do with it. Inasmuch as he was livid at them, the person he was most angry at was himself.

“How could I have been so stupid?” he bellowed to himself and threw one of the folders on his desk in his office across the room. The saddest thing was that he could have easily prevented it, but he had no done anything but let everything materialize. Omar knew Amir was wicked, but what he had just done was too much.

And the worst part was that he’d made it seem like Omar was in on it the whole time. Sure, Omar was used to being in the tabloids for his infamous playboy ways, but to have everyone thinking of him as the victim in some ploy for financial gain was catastrophic. Honestly, he didn’t blame Andrea for storming off and telling to basically screw himself too, and maybe it would have hurt a little less if he wasn’t madly in love with her.

Their love story was doomed from the start. Of all the times that Omar had made mistakes, this one time in particular he felt like a huge f—k up. What the hell had he been thinking to let his father known about the arranged marriage between Adriano and Ximena? Sure, he was used to being a troublemaker, but this time around, he’d ruined lives and that was something he’d never done before.

His phone began to ring and when he saw the caller ID, he visibly cringed. It was the one person whose wrath he was quite afraid of, and whose opinion mattered very much to him. He picked it up hesitantly and put it on loudspeaker. “Omar Pedrad, care to explain yourself?” his mother’s eerily calm voice came through. In London, it was way past one o’clock in the morning, which meant that she was grumpy and sleepy. That, was a very bad thing for him.

He gulped. “Before you chastise me, mum, you have to trust me when I say I had nothing to do with it. It was all dad, and probably Hakim and Navid,” he spoke with a slight tremble.

Nasim hummed. “Then why do all these news outlets say that you are the one who leaked all this information? Are you saying that they are spinning fairytales?” she asked him dryly. “You know, you are many things, but I’d never pegged you as a conniving snake and a liar. You really are your father’s son,” she drawled in disgust. That was twice he’d been called a snake today, and all the same, it pierced his heart.

“Mum, I know this looks bad, but I swear on my life that I didn’t do this. Why would I do this to the woman I love? I love Andrea, do you understand that? I’ll admit that I told dad about the whole arranged marriage fiasco, but I hadn’t any intention to tell the whole world about it. I made a calamitous error, but you know me mother. You know I’d never do this,” he pleaded with her.

The other end of the line went silent before he heard a sigh. “Okay, son. I believe you, but if what you’re saying is true, then the chances of you proving your innocence are next to nil. You know how sneaky your father is. If he could cover up a poisoning and make it look like a food poisoning, then how the hell will we get him this time around?”

“You knew about that?” he exclaimed in shock.

“Of course, I did, this is my husband we’re talking about. But if I had pointed it out, he might have done the same to me or killed me in my sleep. Amir is a dangerous man, Omar. And it’s about time he pays for all the hideous crimes he’s committed,” she said firmly.

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