Chapter 23

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As Amir stormed into his office, he couldn’t help but groan out in frustration and kick one of the chairs just to show how truly angry he was. He’s plan had been simple and faultless, or so he had thought. Now, the baby was still alive, jus as well as the mother. I have to hand it to her, that girl is made of steel.

Hakim waltz into the room shortly afterwards, with Navid on his tail. “I thought you said that the poison would do it’s job. Looks like it only worked as a sedative,” Hakim droned sarcastically, moving over to the bookshelf, and pulling out one.

Amir bared his teeth and gave him a sharp look. “Now isn’t the time to be provoking me, Hakim. I’m not as forgiving and patient as I usually am,” he seethed mercilessly before throwing himself in his leather swivel chair. “I expected the child to be dead. I guess that was too much to ask. Navid, you told me that this guy was supposedly an expect,” he said to his other son, who was standing in the middle of the room, looking bored as usual.

He shrugged. “Well, I’m not exactly well versed in homicide now, am I? Besides, it’s probably a good thing that she survived because judging by Omar’s demeanor, I can bet he knows you had something to do with it. Why can’t you just let him marry her and live his life?” He asked.

“Because I don’t need to my family to be tied to the likes of Emilio Dos Ramos. That bastard thinks he’s got so much power, and he likes to play God way too much for my liking. And that daughter of his, I don’t like her one bit. She reminds me too much of your mother,” Amir muttered in disgust and Hakim gave him a pointed look.

“Careful, dad. That’s my mother you’re talking about,” he warned menacingly but Amir waved him off with a flick of his hand.

A moment of silence ensued, Amir clasping his hands together and pondering over his next move. It was very clear that Andrea wouldn’t be staying in London long, and that she would never return. His influence over in Miami was limited, which meant that he needed to find some allies over there. This was now much deeper than not wanting an unwanted grandchild, no, this was about permanently sinking the reputation of a man who had set himself up on a lofty pedestal for far too long. And Amir was pretty sure that there would be a couple of people more than willing to help him do so.


“Yes father?”

“I need you to go to Miami in the upcoming week or so,” Amir announced, and Navid shifted from foot to foot in discomfort. As somebody used to operating on British soil, he wasn’t a fan of going overseas, much less going over to the States.

“What for?”

Amir smirked at both his sons. “I need you to visit one Humberto Dos Santos.”


Although her trip to London had ended abruptly and on a very bad note, Andrea had enjoyed much of it, up until she ended up on the ER. She hadn’t known how much she cared about her baby but almost losing it made her feel very uneasy. She had opted to keep the gender a secret until the birth, and for the sake of mystery but whatever the gender, Andrea loved her baby, and nothing could change that now. 

Ever since she’d been discharged from the hospital, her family had been keeping a close eye on her that it could have been considered smothering. Of course, she was touched that they were worried about her, particularly her father who had been giving her the cold shoulder for a while, seemed to show that rare soft side of his towards her. They were back in Miami, had landed a few hours ago and she was currently tucked underneath the covers of bed. Her parents had agreed that she needed a bit more rest and she would resume her lessons on Monday. It was both a blessing and a curse, since she’d be in bed all day but with not much to distract her.

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