Chapter 15

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There were no words that could adequately describe just how petrified Rhett was upon hearing those frosty words. Clearly, this man cared very much about Andrea, and he meant business. If it were up to him, he would have easily buried Rhett six fit under with his bare hands for daring to commit such a heinous act.

“Please don’t kill me!” Rhett whimpered, and the man just blinked at him before bursting into a fit of laughter. Is what he just said funny? He sincerely meant it; Rhett was far too young to die. He hadn’t fully lived his days, and he certainly hadn’t repented of all his sins. It was just too soon.

The man wiped a tear at the corner of his eye in amusement. “Relax, kid. I’m not going to kill you. If I wanted it, you would have ended up in the morgue last night instead of here,” he said placidly in his distinct London accent and then sat back in his seat. “I trust you learnt your lesson, no?” he asked, brow raised threateningly.

Rhett nodded wordlessly. “I-I don’t know what came over me. I was drunk and-,”

“Cut the crap; there is no amount of liquor in the world that can justify what you did. How dare you lay a finger on a sweet girl like Andrea? Given the fact that you’re her ex, I can bet my bottom dollar she cut you out of the picture once she realized how much a scumbag you truly are,” he snarled in disgust, even rolling his eyes for good measure. “Rhett Saunders, you’re nothing but a worthless piece of shit who thinks the world will bow at his feet, and yet your own parents don’t even pay attention to you,” he sliced thickly, and frigidly.

Although he didn’t know this man, it seems he was well acquainted with matters pertaining to Rhett. That was a part of his life that he would have much rather kept under wraps than let out into the open. Rhett couldn’t explain how deeply his callous words cut him, and his heart glazed over with nothing but pure hatred for this guy.

“You know nothing about me!” Rhett barked, trying to salvage the last of his dignity but the damage had already been done. He glared at the smug bastard with an unwavering gaze, hoping it would be enough to bury him alive but with no such luck.

The man tilted his head derisively. “Aw, did I hit a nerve, golden boy? Please, it doesn’t take much to figure you out, with a little help from a couple of sources. Now, this was not a friendly visit but rather, it is a professional courtesy. If I ever catch you anywhere near Andrea, if you so much as breathe at her in the wrong way, I will find you; and when I do, you can only hope that God gets to you before I do,” he said with a devilish smirk.

He rose from the chair and began to fix his expensive looking cufflinks. “That’s all I had to say, for now. You’re lucky nobody is pressing charges, and I cleared your medical bills. Enjoy the rest of your stay in this infernal place. Ciao,” he mock saluted and then exited the room.

It hadn’t been five minutes when the door opened again. Rhett thought that the guy had changed his mind and decided to fulfill his threat right there and then, but his worries faded as soon as he saw Sydney’s familiar face. She was offering him a sympathetic look as she walked over to him and kissed him passionately on the lips. “I would have come sooner but as you already know, I can’t compromise my perfect attendance,” she said sweetly albeit her words being a bit insensitive.

Rhett nodded nonchalantly, but Sydney seemed to notice his weird behavior. She stroked his face with her hand, examining the many bruises that decorated his face. “Got beaten up pretty badly, didn’t you? Next time don’t go around picking fights in bars, okay?” she told him with a playful frown.

He caught her hand and looked at her in bewilderment. “What on earth are you talking about? I didn’t get hit at a bar. Who told you that shit?” he asked in absolute puzzlement. He hadn’t talked to anyone at school about last night’s incident, so where had this false information come from?

“Well, that’s what I heard at school today. Everybody’s been talking about how you flirted with some big guy’s girlfriend and subsequently got your ass kicked. I forgive you, by the way, for almost cheating on me. I think the thorough beating you got was lesson enough,” she replied with a smirk.

He let out a noncommittal sound. “That’s not what happened.”

Sydney frowned. “It’s not? But there were people, some guys who are Salvador Dos Ramos’ friends. Said they were in the vicinity when they saw you dumped on the curb, or something like that, and brought you here. Isn’t that what happened?” she prodded, as though forcing him to confirm this.

Although he knew that she would probably get really angry if he told her what actually happened, he was willing to deal with this rather than keeping it all bottled inside. So, he went on to recite what had happened and the encounter he had had with Andrea’s new boyfriend not too long ago. Sydney released a string of curses as she paced about the room in hasty steps.

She threw her hands up in the air. “How could you be so frigging stupid? Did you really think you could get away with that? That is so low, even for you Saunders,” she sniffed in disgust. “Not to mention the fact that you said you were over her! I mean, you and I are together, yet all you ever seem to do is think about Andrea! When will you understand that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you!” she screamed in frustration.

Rhett shushed her with his finger on his lips. “Keep your voice down, there are actually some sick people here you psycho! I know what I did was really shitty, but I couldn’t help myself. I’ve always wanted Andrea, and you know that,” he admitted unabashedly, which made her bare her teeth at him. The gesture was so feral, that he found himself flinching at it.

Her eyes instantly filled with tears. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be better than Andrea but I just couldn’t. She has better looks, a richer family, guys of all ages falling at her feet and she’s smarter than me as well! Why do you of all people, have to remind me that I will never be her!” she sobbed and threw herself on the chair. Rhett had never seen Sydney in such a state, but he did have a vague idea of how Andrea made her feel inferior. Damn, this is really sad…and pathetic.

Sydney angrily wiped her hot tears away. “I hate her. I want to see her down; I want to destroy her so badly that she won’t ever recover from it,” she gritted out hatefully.

“Believe me when I say that I would love nothing more than to do the same as well; not just her, but that stupid bastard who has been hovering around her lately,” he seethed, that hot surge of rage rising in his chest. The way the douche had made him feel so small and useless, that was just simply unpardonable. If he thought he was the only one who could play dirty, then he had another thing coming.

“How will we do it? What can we do?” Sydney pleaded and bit her lip so hard that it almost bled. Her hatred towards Andrea and her entire family was so desperately sincere, she was just about ready to do anything to execute pain amongst them in the worst way possible.

Rhett remained silent, trying to think back to what he had heard last night just before he passed out. It was pretty clear that there was some sort of connection between Andrea and the man, other than a romance. If only they had spoken louder, he would have easily caught what they were mumbling about. “The Dos Ramos family is surrounded by secrets, and I believe there is some secret between Andrea and this man. Her leaving Charlton Academy and him being in the picture must be linked somehow. He has a grown man, after all. What the hell is he doing with a 17-year-old girl like Andrea?” he said sagely, and Sydney nodded vehemently in agreement.

“You’re right! There has to be something going on between them, and we have to find out what it is.”

For the first time in hours, Rhett smiled but it was filled with malice. “We shall most definitely do that.”


Hi guys. As promised, another chapter!

What did you think of it?

Should we be worried about Rhett and Sydney?

Anywho... until next time!

~Deetronite ❤️❤️❤️

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