Honeymoon is coming (part 2)

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The next day after choosing the honeymoon place, Chase and Skye were resting and unpacking presents from their friends - yep, our couple was so focused on their honeymoon that they forgot about presents which were staying in living room unpacked. Girls handed Skye next presents: a book on French, so she could keep practicing this language, a fancy dress in which Skye could go with her husband somewhere during honeymoon and 'baby box' - a set of things to take care of future baby, including a bed, which Chase promised to assemble after honeymoon. The anthro Shepherd received nice presents from boys: perfume for men, which was actually Trackers' idea, a stereosystem and drone - the last one was from Rocky and Marshall, who knew that their friend will soon join the police department, so they thought that this gadget would be very nice.

Chase: I can actually take that drone on honeymoon. For sightseeing.

Skye: That's nice idea! You can also practice the usage of it.

Chase nodded in agreement as the couple was sitting on sofa and drinking tea, which Skye made few minutes ago. After making a sip, the anthro Cockapoo looked at her husband and put her hand on his knee without making an eye-contact with him.

Chase: Everything alright?

Skye: Yeah, just... it was so exciting when we got married, but now I feel like nothing had changed.

Chase: It's alright, honey. If you think that our married life will be so ordinary, I won't get angry with that - we love each other and that's what matters. I quite don't care how it will go with us - I'm just glad that you're here with me.

Skye: Thanks, Chasey. I'm glad that you're open with me, just sometimes I fly in mind to past times, feeling afraid that you lost most of fun while being younger.

Chase: Don't put too much pressure on yourself *kisses her forehead* we have a long time ahead to do everything we want to do. And I guess - it's a slight sign about decision of making a baby, heh?

Skye: Hehe, sort of. I really think that with baby our life will be brighter.

Chase: Of course it will be! Come here.

Then they leaned and hugged each other - they couldn't wait for their honeymoon, and all this rush made them feel stressed up a bit and this talk was a big proof of it. After letting all their emotions out, Chase called Moon to himself and let him lay on his lap, so did Cloud, but on Skyes' lap as married couple kept drinking tea. But their rest was interrupted by doorbell and the anthro Shepherd went to check out - only to face policeman.

Chase: Yes, officer?

Policeman: I'm from ABPD, Chief wanted to send you a message... that you approved to our team, congratulations!

Then he shook Chases' hand, who was speechless - it was his dream, which finally came true.

Policeman: As soon as you'll finish your things, Chief is waiting for you at 8 a.m on Tuesday.

Chase: Roger that, thanks!

Skye was looking at men who waved each other goodbye and Chase went back inside the house, only to run to his wife and lift her up, laughing cheefully.

Skye: Something good?

Chase: I'm now a policeman in our town!

Skye: To the kitchen then, sir!!

The couple went to kitchen to celebrate it with squeals of excitement. 

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe <3

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