Chapter 1: Father's Lament

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4 years later...

"Papa!" Ayano said as I heard small thuds in the wooden floor, as she rushed from the living room to the hall near the genkan. As she heard the sound of the front door open and close.

"Welcome home!" she exclaimed with her cute little voice filled with emotions, as she tackled my leg in an embrace. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she looked up to me, she must have been happy with me being home. I couldn't really blame her, Ryoba was acting indifferent towards Ayano these past few days..

"I'm home" I replied with a smile as I patted Ayano's head receiving an ecstatic giggle in return, while I removed my work shoes and placed them in the rack, and put on my slippers. The mouthwatering aroma of the beef curry being cooked in the kitchen by her, permeates my nose.

I can't believe that four years have passed since that night I tried to kill my own child. After that day my relationship with Ayano got stronger.

I still fondly remember the day she said "papa" with her cute little voice, hearing her say that felt like the world suddenly got brighter, it made me forget the miserable life I had lived in these past few years being forcefully married to Ryoba.

Even the days when she first started to crawl and walk, and the look on her adorable face and the joyful noises she made those days, are still vivid in my mind. Seeing her capable of expressing such emotions, as well as the childlike innocence I saw in her eyes that day. Filled me with confidence that I have done the right thing.

It filled me with hope and joy that Ayano wasn't like her mother, she was a bubbly and curious child. She can also greatly express and feel her emotions, either by pouting and whining when she didn't get what she wanted, or by squealing in joy whenever I gave in and gave her what she wanted.

She was in Ryoba's own words an antithesis of what an Aishi should be. Of course I find her logic complete and utter nonsense, as I believe that they are a result of the environment they grew up in. with Ryoba growing up indoctrinated with the stories and explanations of her mother, and with her father's mind being broken by her mother's physical and mental torture when she kidnapped him.

I was actually glad that Ryoba decided not to follow in her mother's footsteps. I guess she felt pity for what her father became.

"Papa! Nee papa!" Ayano shouted as she tried to get my attention, her face forming a cute pout in her small face.

Shaking my head as I was snapped back to reality by my daughter, I picked up Ayano and kissed her on the forehead.

"Did you miss papa sweetie?" I affectionately said as i poked Ayano by the nose

She let out a lovely giggle, then she nodded her head and replied with a "umu"

"Welcome back dear" Ryoba said with an overly sweet and chilling tone

Hearing Ryoba's voice made my heart jump, carefully lifting my gaze away from my daughter, under my embrace. I warily stared at the owner of that overly sweet and chilling voice, and flatly replied.

"I'm home dear..."

Even after being married to her for nineteen years, I couldn't feel any emotions toward her other than wariness and contempt. I was also weirded out that she kept referring to me as senpai, even after being married for so long. Even after all those years, I still feared for what she is capable of doing to me, my family, and I feared that she might even kill Ayano, if I acted in a way she didn't like.

"Why don't you go change so we can have dinner?" Ryoba said while smiling

I could only nod in response while I put down Ayano

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