Chapter 4: A Father's Guilt

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Disclaimer : This chapter contains sensitive content that may be disturbing or triggering to some readers.


Earlier that day..

Driving home after a long day of work, I felt the weariness seep into my bones. The hum of the engine and the rhythm of the road seemed to lull my thoughts into a contemplative state. As the street lights flickered past, doubts crept into my mind, gnawing at my conscience.

Had I truly been protecting my daughter, or was it merely a lie I chose to believe in? I used to believe that my actions could deter Ryoba from harming Ayano, but the more I think about it, the more I realise how little I truly knew about Ryoba. The monsters I once thought were confined to Ayano's imagination had been lurking within Ryoba all along.

But as the miles stretched before me, I couldn't solely blame Ryoba for my failures. I had to confront the uncomfortable truth that I, too, held a share of responsibility. Perhaps I had been blind to the signs, too willing to believe in a facade of normalcy.

With my hands clenching the steering wheel, I found myself lost in a sea of memories. One particular night resurfaced, a night where I had foolishly dismissed Ayano's distress as a mere nightmare. How wrong I had been. The monsters I had thought were figments of her imagination were, in fact, the very embodiment of Ryoba's darkness.


The bedroom was shrouded in a hushed silence, broken only by the sound of Ayano's silent sniffling in the adjacent room. Jokichi stirred from his slumber, groggily trying to make sense of the late night disturbance. Shifting his gaze on the empty side of the bed, realising that Ryoba must have been called to work on Saikou corp. Shaking off his drowsiness, he worriedly made his way towards Ayano's bedroom.

As he approached the door, the faint sound of crying grew louder, tugging at Jokichi's heart. He gently knocked on the door, the soft sound echoing in the otherwise still room, before slowly pushing it open. The room was bathed in a warm, dim glow from Ayano's nightlight, casting a comforting ambiance. There, he saw Ayano curled up beneath her blanket, her small frame shaking as she let out soft sniffles. Without hesitation, Jokichi moved closer, his footsteps barely audible on the plush carpet, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What's wrong Yan-chan?" Jokichi asked, his voice filled with warmth and concern. Ayano sat up, her eyes glistening with tears, as she threw her tiny arms around her father, seeking solace in his embrace.

"I-i-t's mama" she softly said in between her whimpers, her voice trembling.

"S-s-she's always d-d-oing s–s-scary things when you're not h-home" she continued as her breath quickened, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

Jokichi's heart skipped a beat after hearing what his daughter said, but quickly brushed it off, still believing that Ryoba wouldn't harm their daughter, reassured her. He gently caressed Ayano's back, his touch conveying both comfort and love.

"It's just a nightmare Yan-chan, don't worry papa will always be here to protect you" he softly said, his voice filled with reassurance.

A glimmer of hope appeared in Ayano's tear-stained eyes as she looked directly at Jokichi, her trust in him evident. She wiped away her tears, her trembling shoulders gradually steadying.

"R-really?" Ayano asked, her tear stained eyes looking directly at Jokichi

Jokichi's smile widened, his eyes filled with affection, as he stretched out his pinky finger towards his daughter.

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