Interlude 1: Takamura Ryohei

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Ryohei stood in the courtroom, blankly staring at the crying Ryoba. "I-it's over. I lost," he thought, shifting his gaze towards the judge who was about to announce the verdict. "She... completely manipulated the emotions of the court..." he mumbled under his breath.

"After deliberation with the lay judges, we, the court, have reached a verdict. Aishi Ryoba, you are found not guilty. Therefore, the charges against you are dismissed. The court is adjourned," the judge declared.

Cheers erupted from the audience stand as the judge delivered the verdict. Ryohei looked at the now smiling Ryoba, who was thanking her lawyers and answering questions from the media.

"She did it, what a terrifying manipulator..." Ryohei mumbled, hastily making his way to the exit before the media turned their attention towards him. Rushing out, he avoided the crowd, knowing he would be subjected to jeers.

Hiding in a narrow alleyway between the courthouse and an adjacent building, he reached into his back pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. Picking out a stick, he put it in his mouth, then placed the pack back in his pocket with his left hand, while his right hand lit the cigarette with a lighter.

Puffing out a smoke, Ryohei slumped against the courthouse wall. "M-my career... My reputation... Ruined," he mumbled, staring blankly at the wall of the adjacent building. "I know she was the murderer. I had evidence of her suspicious behaviour... Even my own apprentice testified on her behalf..." he muttered, chuckling in defeat.

'Click clack'—the sound of heels echoed in the quiet, narrow alleyway, each step growing louder as the person approached. Ryohei turned his gaze towards the sound, his eyes widening in shock. Standing abruptly, he focused on the approaching figure.

Giggling, Ryoba slowly approached Ryohei. "Well, Mister Journalist, you shouldn't have snooped around in my affairs," she sneered, looking down at him as if he were a mere bug.

"Hmph! You may have fooled the crowd, but justice will still come!" Ryohei retorted, trying to stand his ground despite feeling threatened by her presence.

Infuriated, Ryoba rushed towards Ryohei, pinning him against the wall. "SHUT UP!" she shouted, her hands firmly gripping his shoulders. "It's all YOUR fault! My image! My chances with senpai! My plans! RUINED!! All because of you..."

Ryohei looked at Ryoba in fear, his body shaking, his mind thinking that she would kill him here and there. In an attempt to free himself from her grip, his hands tried to remove Ryoba's grasp around his shoulders. "Fuck! How is she so strong!" He thought his attempts at freeing himself were futile.

Sneering at his useless attempt at struggling, she leaned closer to his ears. "The next time you snoop around my affairs... I'll be sure to kill you slowly and painfully..." she monotonously said, before letting go of Ryohei, causing him to slump and sit on the concrete.

Gazing down at the stunned and scared Ryohei. "You're lucky, if this case didn't become famous nationwide, I would have killed you here and now..." she said before walking out of the alleyway

Ryohei sat there stunned at what just happened, immediately stood and ran back to his car. Panting his shaking hands tried to open the door of his car on the right side, after a few attempts he managed to unlock it and rushed inside. "I-I gotta get out of this town." he thought, hastily putting on the seat belt, and turning on the ignition, 'vroom' the sound of the engine roared as the car started. He immediately drove off back to his apartment.

Haphazardly parking his car near his apartment, he unbuckled his seatbelt and rushed inside, not bothering to lock his car, nor turn his car off, fumbling to open his apartment door, fear still present in his mind, once inside, he immediately grabbed a suitcase and started packing his valuables and necessity. While packing, his mind still lingering to Ryoba's threats, hastily stuffed them in his suitcase, closing the case, he rushed out of his room, locking the door behind him and ran back to his car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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