Chapter 5: Hope amidst Despair

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Jokichi stood there in a daze, the initial spark of excitement dimming as uncertainty crept in. His heart hammered against his chest, torn between apprehension and a flicker of hope, the voice of Takamura-san still echoing in his mind.

"T-takamura-san, how can I be sure to trust you..." Jokichi's voice faltered momentarily before he steadied himself.

"It's not that I don't trust your abilities," he continued, his words measured, "I'm just worried that if Ryoba finds out, Ayano and I will be in danger." He paused, taking deep breaths to calm his frayed nerves.

Takamura's voice on the other end sounded sombre, carrying the weight of years of struggles and regret. "I understand your hesitation, Yudasei-san," he began, his tone heavy with the burden of memories. "Ryoba's presence still strikes fear at the back of my mind... Her threat towards me at the end of that trial remains fresh, even after all these years."

He took a deep breath, his voice hardening as he continued. "But, even so, I didn't give up on bringing justice to those girls, Yudasei-san. Even when my reputation was reduced to zero, I still wanted to bring justice to those girls whose lives were ruined because of her."

Silence followed, heavy in the air, as Jokichi's brow furrowed in confusion. The revelation caught him off guard. Why would someone risk their safety for a case that Ryoba would ensure to be buried in the past?

The answer came swiftly, Takamura's next words filled with concern and dedication. "I'm a father as well," Takamura confessed, his voice strained with emotion. "I didn't want your daughter to be one of her victims, Jokichi-san." He paused, waiting for Jokichi's response.

Jokichi's heart skipped a beat, surprise flooding his senses. "H-how did you know about my daughter?" Jokichi stammered, his voice laced with apprehension. He worried that if Ryoba found out about Takamura stalking them, it could put them all in danger.

There was a deep sigh on the other end before Takamura replied. "In the past few years, I've quietly collected evidence against Ryoba..." his voice hardened as he continued, "I know the dangers that may arise if she noticed my presence, which is why I've stayed far away to avoid arousing suspicion."

Jokichi, after hearing Takamura's response, stood there, surprised that someone had been watching them without Ryoba noticing. Just that detail alone made his heart skip a beat.

"If he can observe Ryoba's actions without her noticing, maybe just maybe, he can help protect Ayano!" he thought, his body trembling with excitement at the prospect of freeing Ayano from Ryoba's influence. With this thought in mind his previous apprehension on meeting with Takamura vanished and was replaced with excitement.

"Ok! Where do we meet up!?" Jokichi asked immediately, his thoughts racing with excitement at the hope that they can rid themselves of the nightmare called Ryoba.

Takamura chuckled, amused at Jokichi's change in demeanour. "Let's meet at 10 am at a coffee shop near the outskirts of Shizu Town on Sunday," he said. "But remember, act natural and don't arouse Ryoba's suspicion," Takamura added seriously.

"Ok ok, I'll be sure to come, and thanks..." Jokichi replied with his last words coming off as a whisper.

Takamura let out another chuckle before replying, "Don't thank me yet, Yudasei-san. We still haven't brought Ryoba to justice."

"I know, I know, but.. Still thank you," Jokichi heartfully said.

"Haha alright, see you on Sunday, and remember to act natural," Takamura reminded again as he hung up.

"Hahahaha," Jokichi let out a relieved laugh as he sat at the foot of Ayano's bed. After his conversation with Takamura, the weights in his heart finally lightened as he felt that with Takamura, he and Ayano could finally live normal lives.

A soft, childish whimper suddenly filled the room, jolting Jokichi into immediate action. He stood and rushed to Ayano's side, his heart pounding with concern. Carefully, he checked her over, searching for any signs of pain or distress.

"Yan-chan, are you alright?" Jokichi asked, his voice filled with warmth and care as he gently stroked his daughter's hair.

"Daddy?" Ayano's response came in a monotone, her gaze empty and devoid of emotion as she stared blankly at him.

Jokichi felt a surge of anguish wash over him at the sight of Ayano's vacant expression. Bitter tears welled in his eyes as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I-I'm sorry, sweetie. Daddy didn't keep his promise," he pleaded, his voice trembling with sorrow between each choked sob.

At that moment, as Jokichi held his daughter close, he vowed to keep his promise, to protect her at any cost, even if it meant facing Ryoba herself...


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