Chapter 7: Path to Healing

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains mention of mental illness reader discretion is advised


Upon arriving, Jokichi turned off the car, the engine's rumble fading into silence. He twisted the key and pulled it from the ignition with a small click. Checking the time on his phone, he saw it was 6:20 pm. "Hope the clinic is still open..." he muttered.

He pulled the handle of the car door, which released with a muted clack. The door creaked slightly as it swung open. Jokichi stepped out and gently closed the door behind him, the resounding clunk echoing in the quiet evening.

Walking towards the left side of the car, his footsteps muffled by the sound of busy traffic, he reached out and pulled the handle, which released with a muted clack. Seeing his daughter still blankly dazed, he leaned forward and gently picked up Ayano, who did not react.

After closing the car door, he pressed a button on his key fob. The car responded with soft chirps, and the doors locked with a click. Jokichi made his way towards the entrance of the two-story clinic, its fresh white paint gleaming under the evening sky. A sign in front read 'Saitozaki Children's Clinic'.

Nearing the entrance, he spotted an old lady with greying hair and amber eyes, speaking to someone on the phone. As Jokichi and Ayano got closer, they heard bits of what the old lady was saying.

"It's not a bother, Takamura-san... you know that I love helping children..." she said her words warm and reassuring

The old lady noticed the father-daughter pair approaching and ended her call on the phone.

"Looks like they're here Takamura-san... hahaha think nothing of it..." she said before slipping her phone into her pocket.

Focusing her attention towards the pair, he walked towards Jokichi, introducing herself "Good evening..." she said with a light bow "my name's Saitozaki Yukiko, Takamura-san already called to tell me your situation" she continued as her right hand gestured for them to enter the clinic.

"Ah, good evening, Dr. Saitozaki," Jokichi said, bowing respectfully.

She smiled warmly before turning around and leading the way to the reception area. Jokichi followed closely behind, carrying Ayano. The automatic doors slid open with a soft whoosh, allowing them to step inside.

Jokichi gazed around the empty room, noticing that it was completely deserted, not even a nurse in sight. He bowed once more and said, "Sorry for the bother, Dr. Saitozaki."

Yukiko chuckled softly. "It's not a bother, Yudasei-san, right?" she asked reassuringly.

"Ah! It's Aishi now, but Yudasei is fine too," Jokichi replied awkwardly, unsure of what to feel.

She chuckled softly. "Don't be nervous. Takamura-san already called and gave me a heads-up about your situation."

"I-I also know that you plan to help him bring justice against my daughter's murderer..." she continued softly, a look of melancholy crossing her face.

Awkward silence filled the reception area, as Yukiko stared in melancholy, while Jokichi looked towards her in guilt, believing that it was his fault that Sumire died.

"Ahem," Yukiko let out a fake cough, breaking the silence. "Let's head towards my office, shall we?" she said with a smile, gesturing towards a door near the reception area with a sliding sign that read 'Doctor Out'. Her previous state of melancholy vanished in an instant, stunning Jokichi.

Heading towards Yukiko's office, their footsteps echoed in the empty reception area. She reached out and opened her office door, which let out a soft creak. She smiled and gestured for Jokichi to step inside.

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