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My name is Jokichi Yudasei, no I guess it should be Jokichi AIshi now. It has been a long and miserable 15 years, after Ryoba kidnapped and forced me to become her husband. You might be wondering why I didn't fought back?

My answer to that was I was scared, scared for my life as well as for my parents at that time. As I was sure that Ryoba was capable of killing anyone if she didn't get what she wanted, it made me wonder why she was so obsessed with me to the point where she would kill all the girls I interacted with during my final year at Seishin Gakuen.

The days I spent in captivity, bound in a chair in a dark room, still haunt me. The eerie silence that permeated the room, which served as my prison cell, the room in which windows are covered with thick soundproofing curtains, preventing even the tiniest bit of light from passing through.

On days where Ryoba would visit me, it was the only time I could fully see the interior of my cell. Which at a glance lacks any furniture, except for a table and a audio tape recorder on top of it. The walls were covered with soundproofing material which prevented my screams for help from being heard.

Those dark and intrusive thoughts and what ifs, constantly circling my mind, as I await what fate awaits me. Being isolated alone in the dark, with only Ryoba constantly visiting me, and expressing her love for me by retelling the atrocities she committed just so we could be together in her twisted mind.

I believe it had been a year or so, when she gave me a choice to become her husband or to stay in the dark depressing room as a captive. But from the stories I heard from her about her grandfather, I think she was planning on breaking my mind and spirit, similar to what her mother did to her father if I refuse.

Becoming Ryoba's husband gave me limited freedom to wander around the house, it gave me the opportunity to explore the two story residential house that would become my permanent home until the day I die.

My days were best described as monochrome, since all I do is to stay at home and show my 'affection' to my 'wife'. Although these monochrome days would soon come to an end after I was kidnapped again, I have no recollection of what happened after that. All I remember was someone bashing the back of my head, only to wake up at home with Ryoba tending to my head injury.

The next day I was confused on why Ryoba would force me to work at Saikou corp, even when she demanded that I not leave the house on the day I agreed to her proposal. Of Course I didn't voice out my confusion, as she then threatened to kill me and my family if I were to run or tell anyone, especially the police regarding her crimes.

Years passed and Ryoba became pregnant, which made my heart jump, not because of happiness, but because of fear, fear that the child would become like its mother, a psychopath that had little regard for the lives of other people.

While Ryoba practically celebrated the fact that the child was a symbol of our twisted relationship. I vowed then and there that I would end the Aishi line, so that no one would experience the same fate I received, and that no one would have to die.

It was the evening of April 1, 2004 when our daughter Ayano was born, the first time I glanced I felt conflicted, if I should be happy or fearful. Ayano had the uncanny physical appearance with her mother, she had the same facial structure of her mother coupled with her raven black hair and onyx eyes. Seeing Ryoba gush over the child and future monster I helped create, I began to steel myself, it was up to me to end the Aishi line.

The Aishi, as Ryoba generously explained to me whilst imprisoned, was a family that was plagued by generations with an unknown condition which made them emotionless until they found the 'one' that would complete them. She said that this trait is passed down from generations, she even said that they would do anything even if their actions would lead to cruelty just to maintain the new found emotions they felt after meeting their 'destined one'.

A few months had passed since the birth of my daughter. On this particular night Ryoba was away due to work, leaving Ayano and I alone in the house. As I walked towards the room of the little monster I helped create. I began to strengthen my resolve to end its life before it can cause harm in the future. I repeatedly reassured myself that what I am about to do is for the greater good.

As I opened the door to that little monster's room, my heart started pounding against my chest like a drum, each step I took towards Ayano's crib increased the speed it pounded. My mind is quickly being filled with doubts on whether I should do this or not. My morals reasoning with me that I shouldn't do this, as she was just a child, a child that is innocent from the sins of her mother.

Regardless of whether a part of me was against the act I am about to commit, I am willing to throw away my humanity just to ensure that there wouldn't be any deaths caused by my daughter in the future.

I picked up the blanket placed on the floor near her crib, and held it near my chest, while I watched the sleeping child in the crib, its peaceful face, and its chest slowly rise and fall as it gently breathed. I stayed like that for a whole minute, until I began to shake my head, "this isn't the time to get distracted" I told myself

All I needed to do is suffocate it with a blanket, this would make it look like an accident, as it isn't uncommon for babies to suffocate themselves with their blankets. He and Ryoba were also first time parents, so it was bound that their lack of experience may have resulted in this tragedy.

All I needed to do was delude myself that what I was about to do would benefit the greater good, that no one would have to die in the future. He was simply doing the world a favour by ending the Aishi line. I didn't know what Ryoba would do to me when she got home and found this monster dead. But I didn't care about that, what I care about is ending the life of this monster.

As my hands got closer and closer to the little monster's head, a small yawn escaped from it, and onyx eyes opened and directly stared at him. This caused myself to freeze, my hands shaking as I contemplated whether my actions were needed.

"No! End it, end it!" I shouted in my mind as my shaking hands were only an inch away from her face.

But fate had other plans, as something strange happened, Ayano smiled at me and made cooing sounds. Seeing her smile broke whatever resolve I had built, and broke down, collapsing on my knees as I bitterly cried.

Whilst Ayano constantly let out noises to attract my attention, I continued to cry out my frustrations, regarding the situation I find myself in. I should have known better not to kill an innocent child, a child that had my blood flowing through it. I shouldn't have called my daughter a monster, she didn't deserve to be hated, she may have been Ryoba's child, but she's my child as well.

It took me a few minutes to regain my composure, before I got up, and picked up Ayano and held her in my embrace. Ayano's arm clenched the help of my shirt, while her other arm touched my face, soaked with sweat and tears, while she smiled, and looked at me with affection and curiosity.

"I-I'm sorry Ayano, papa hasn't been a good father to you" I softly said as I kissed the head of my daughter. "I promise Ayano, you're going to grow up filled with love and affection.... I promise to be there for you and guide you.... I-I-I Love you Ayano.." I said as tears flowed down my eyes.

I should have realised this sooner, Ayano may have been birthed by that monster Ryoba, she was also his child. A child that hasn't even had a year to experience life, I shouldn't have blinded myself with the idea that she would become like Ryoba in the future. I should have realised that Ayano was her own person, and I promise this, I swear that I will guide you so that you wouldn't become a monster like your mother.

"It's going to be ok now Ayano.." I whispered as I cradled her in my arms

"We're going to be ok... papa promises that I'll protect you even from your own mother..."


Author's Note

This is written primarily for fun and to improve my writing skills, so updates may be slow, as I also have my clinical internship for this year.

Decided to rename Akademi High to Seishin Gakuen

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