Chapter 2: A Daughter's Tears

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains depictions of abuse, reader discretion is advised


Earlier that Evening...

'Click clank' the sound of the plates being placed onto the dinner table echoed throughout the quiet room. Placing the final plate onto the table, I heard a giggle coming from the kitchen. Tilting my head in confusion, I made my way towards the kitchen curious as to what mama found funny.

Peeking from the archway, I saw mama with a scary look, clutching her head, muttering something I couldn't hear, mama was also giggling, worried that something may be wrong with mama. I began to slowly walk closer to mama.

Mama doubled over, her hands clutching her head as she laughed uncontrollably. 'GAHAHAHAHAHA!'

Startled by mama's sudden laughter I jumped and let out an "eek" stopping mama's burst of laughter, and slowly shifted her body towards my direction. Which sent chills down my spine causing me to shiver at the scary face mama is making.

"You!" mama hissed as she narrowed her gaze, focusing her attention to me

I was scared and confused on why mama would look at me like that, I backed away slowly, my body shaking in fear

"I-I-I'm s-sorry mama" I instinctively stuttered my legs trembling as I stumbled backwards away from mama, who was slowly walking towards me with a frightening look on her face

"Sorry? Sorry?!" mama shouted rushing towards me, placing her hands on my shoulder in a tight grip

"Aah! Mama it hurts!" I exclaimed, tears pooling at my eyes, while I tried to break free from mama

"Why did you have to go and take his attention away from me?! Why?!" mama screamed while she violently shook me, the pain on my shoulder becoming more unbearable as I felt mama tightened her grip.

"Ahhh! Mama, please stop! It hurts!" I whined as I felt mama's nails digging through my clothes. Tears streamed down my face, and I rubbed my shoulder to try and make the pain go away.

Tears kept falling down my face and I sniffled to stop myself from crying. I was scared Mama would hit me if she heard me cry, she always does that.

Mama suddenly paused, letting her tight grip on my shoulders loosen

"You better not say a word of this to senpai, got it?" mama commanded as she knelt to my eye level and pointed at my face while glaring

"Y-yes m-mama" I quickly replied through my sniffles as I continued to rub my shoulders trying to alleviate the pain

"Good" mama nodded standing up, taking a deep breath

"Now go sit at your place at the dinner table" mama said as she walked towards a drawer

Not wanting to get mama angry, I did what she said and sat at my usual place at the table for dinner, still sniffling and rubbing on my shoulder, scared that mama might hurt me again

Mama came out of the kitchen after a while, then started to scoop some rice and curry onto the plate, when mama took my plate, I looked towards my lap, afraid of mama's gaze

"Ayano" mama said while putting food onto my plate, warrily lifting my head to look up towards mama

"You better act normal or else" mama threatened as she placed my plate filled with food in front of me

I nodded, stopping my sniffles, and placing my hands on my lap despite my shoulder still hurting

"Good girl" mama said while she took the seat in front of me, while mama stared at me with a frightening expression, causing me to stiff, I felt my eyes water, scared that mama might hurt me again, I didn't want my shoulder to hurt more

Soon papa entered entered the dining room, and went to the seat next to mama, mama gave me a narrowed look, warning me to act normal

I was scared, the hands on my lap shaking, my chest tightening, I could feel myself bursting into tears, but tried my best to hold it in sacred that mama might hurt me. I wanted to tell papa, but mama's look held me back.

"The food looks delicious today dear" papa said causing mama to stop staring at me, and looked at papa instead

I let a sigh of relief, as mama stopped frighteningly staring at me, I focused on the food on my plate, afraid that if I make a sound mama would return to look at me with her scary look

"Come now senpai, take a bite at the food I cooked with all my love" I heard mama said to papa

"Haha, well then let's eat" I heard papa said

I bowed my head and clasped my hands and softly said "Itadakimasu" before I started to eat the curry served on my plate

I focused on my food, my spoon making a scraping sound as I quickly ate my dinner, my gaze focused on my plate, continuing to scoop a mouthful of rice and curry into my mouth, until I finished my meal

Finishing my dinner I said "gochiso sama deshita" then quickly leaving my chair and rushing towards my room, the sound large thumps echoed through as I ran towards the wooden stairs to the second floor where my room is located

A 'Slam'' filled my quiet room as I shut my door, picking up my orange stuffed cat, I laid in my bed, hiding underneath my blanket, I hugged my stuffed cat close to my chest, I let out a sob

I quietly cried under my blanket, still afraid that mama might hurt me again if she heard, I wanted to go to papa and ask him for a hug, but I know mama wouldn't like that, she always scolded me whenever papa wasn't around that I shouldn't bother papa anymore

"I want papa..." I cried hugging my stuffed cat closer, my eyes slowly closing as I cried myself to sleep...


Author's note

Decided to rate this story as mature, since after this chapter everything would contain dark themes, until a certain point where it'll become mostly fluff and healing.

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