Chapter 4

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"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" He was already screaming in my face. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" He repeated. I stayed quiet, I felt like I should've opened my mouth and told him what happened. but like that would work. "YOU'RE A FUCKING DISGRACE TO OUR FAMILY! ALL YOU EVER DO IS GET INTO SHIT!" He pulled off his belt and hit me with the metal buckle across my stomach. This caused me to fall onto my knees, I felt tears coming out of my eyes and I quickly blinked them away. "YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU? YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE IN THE STREETS!" I stayed quiet still, but that hurt more than any of the beatings I've ever taken. At this point he had nothing else to say and hit me repetitively with the belt.

I couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the house, I ran down the steps of our apartment and ran down the street. I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life, I turned around to see if he had followed me. He wasn't there. It was really cold all of the sudden. I put my hands in my pockets and continued walking, trying to avoid the coldness. I got on the nearest bus stop and let it take me anywhere. After I disembarked, I realized I was on the nicer side of town... I walked down the street and came across a electronics store that looked like it had some form of heat. I walked through it's doors and met the manager standing at the cash register, smoking a cigarette.

"'Evenin', Can I help you, Leonard?" He said with the cigarette dangling out the side of his mouth. I blushed really hard.

"Um. Yeah... Can I pay my phone bill?" I said quietly. "And my name is Nina, I just got a hand-me-down from my older brother Leonard..." I lied giving him a twenty dollar bill. That's when the guy in the black hoodie came into the store.

"Well, if it isn't my number one customer!" The manager said with his arms out. The guy pulled down his hood, he had gorgeous Black hair and a perfect pair of brown eyes. He wore glasses which only served to make him more attractive. "What'd it be today?" He opened his mouth to speak and then saw me in the corner, I turned away really fast and looked at the ground. He spoke very quietly to the manager and the manager joined in. I wanted to hear his voice so bad, not only hear his voice... I wanted him so bad. But who was I kidding, there is no way that's going to happen. I stayed staring at the ground, listening to their murmurs. After awhile the manager gave the guy two boxes. And the guy gave him a wad of cash, I was so surprised when I had seen it, I have never seen a teenager carry that much money, let alone anyone carry that much money. The boy then put his hoodie back on and walked out of the store. I pretended as if I saw nothing, and shortly I heard the manager.

"Hey! Hey you! Nina!" He said pointing at me, the cigarette still dangling in his mouth but was becoming short very quickly. I walked up to the counter where he stood, and he gave me a small box. I was curious as to why he was giving it to me.

"Um... Why are you giving this to me?" I felt my voice stuttering. He pushed the box closer. "I don't have any money."

"It's on the house." He said. I opened the box and it had a laptop inside of it.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah..." I exclaimed. "I can't take this!" This thing is way too expensive.

"Just take it, It's on the house." I was so confused, but I accepted it anyway.

"Thanks..." I said and I walked out the door.

Simon Says (A Internet-y Gamer Love Story) (On Hold, Kinda)Where stories live. Discover now