Chapter 1

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I put Anna on the ground, she waited as I locked the door to our apartment. I gave Anna her backpack, which was pink with strawberries on it. She said in her mousy voice, "Thanks." I didn't respond, I just took her hand and we walked to the bus stop. We don't have school buses who are willing to come to take us to Santa Cruz, so we take the city bus. We stood at the bus stop in complete silence, the bus came after five minutes.

When the bus stopped, it opened it's doors and I let Anna get on first. Then I followed. I paid the fee and we went to take our seats.

There was a seat open but only one, I let Anna sit down and I stood next to her. She looked down when she sat. "Do you think Daddy will ever be the same again?" she asked quietly. I felt tears well up in my eyes but I blinked them away; Everyone has problems, Nina, so get your shit together, you suck it up and stop being a bitch about it, Got it? "Nina?"

"Sorry kid. I don't know if dad will ever go back to being the same, the chances are pretty low." I responded, she looked down again and then she frowned. I didn't want to lie to her, but I'll be nice about the truth. "It's alright, there's still a chance that he may be nicer again." She looked up again, and she opened her mouth to say something, then she closed it. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want dad to hurt you anymore..." She whispered, she looked like she was going to cry, but she stopped herself. I crouched next to her, which was really hard to do.

"I'm okay, I'm more worried about him hurting you. Don't worry, one day things will be better." I whispered back. She threw her arms around my neck and hugged tightly. I probably would've pushed her off, but I just let it happen. I'm pretty sure she needed a hug; Fuck, I needed one too. Mom used to always be there for us and patch up our cuts and give us hugs. Dad doesn't do that, he's a real dick. I'm never expecting him to give me a hug but, Anna? You better fucking give her a fucking hug. A eight-year-old girl who needs support and you're being a dick just because you want to prove your manhood? Fuck you.

She finally let go, and she looked down. The bus stopped, and I picked up Anna again. I went out the door and walked to her school. It wasn't to far from mine luckily. She wanted to be put down, so I let her go. We continued to walk and she looked at the ground. I always looked at the graffiti that decorated all of the walls. Some of paintings were immature, like a phrase like "Suck my...", you get it. But others were beautiful, my favorite was a stereo that had amazing designs coming out of the speakers, the artist's name was DaVinci. I wanted to meet them one day, but graffiti artists had to keep to themselves.

We reached the building. It's sign would've said Santa Cruz Elementary but instead it said Sata uz metry . Anna sighed and began to walk toward the front doors of the building. "See you afterschool, kid." I said to her, she smiled at me and then walked into the building. That's when I began to ran, I dodged and maneuvered through the crowd of people. I got quite a few complaints like "Hey! Watch where you're going snowflake!", "Fuck you!", and "You fucking bitch.". That was okay though. I got this everyday.

I reached the building whose sign read Sta z gh which would've been Santa Cruz High. I was out of breath. I hadn't eaten in a good four days and I was starving, so I went to the Cafeteria. I walked through the crowds of people; people who were smoking weed, girls who had really short shorts and tank tops, guys who were picking on a smaller freshman. If I could, I would've stood up for the freshman, but it's every man for himself here. I ignored everyone's conversations and made my way to the cafeteria. The line was really long, but if Half of the school can't get breakfast at home and it's free at school? Who wouldn't go? I waited in line and felt a vibration in my pocket, it was obviously my cell phone but you can't necessarily pull it out in public. Well, that's actually the reason why I have it. I used to have a cell phone when my mom was around, but things change. Some kid pulled out his Cellphone in public, and he ended up getting his ass kicked. His phone was sitting on the floor, so I picked it up and kept it. Yeah, I'm a bitch, what are you going to do about it?

The line felt like forever, but finally I was able to get my breakfast. I grabbed a cereal package and walked out. That's when the bell rung, Students flooded out of the cafeteria and I began to walk to my class. Until I was stopped by someone who grabbed my shoulder.

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