12. justice prevailed

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So guys here is the chapter.

The hearing of the court was going on. The judge seemed tensed. Actually, that devil couple have threatened that if they didn't won the case them they will kill him.

One of the lawyers noticed that he was tensed.

(L1 for the lawyer of Sidshek's side and L2 for the lawyer of VD and VM'S side.)

L1: what happened my lord? Why are you looking so tensed?

Judge: umm......nothing so on the basis of the proves and the witness and for threatening a judge Mr and mrs Kumar (I am using Kumar as VD and VM'S surname)  is being imprison for lifetime.

Everyone was shocked that they have threatened a judge for winning a case.

Vaish: Shame on yourself. You have threatened a judge to win the case. (Turning to constable) take them away. I don't want to see their disgusting faces........she said and the constable did the same. After that they all went to home.

Vicky: sorry guys because of my parents this much happened. I am very sorry........he said by letting his tears to flow.

It's very painful to him for accepting it. The parents whom he loved so much, who were his everything has broken his trust and his heart too. But the truth is truth, he has to accept it.

Everyone is trying to calm him down and explain him that is was not his mistake.

Abhi: it was not your mistake Vicky. You didn't even know about it.

Avu: Yes Vicky bhai, Abhi bhai is right you don't even had an idea that they can do this also.

Sid: I can understand bhai that it is difficult for you to accept it. No one can believe that the our most lovable person has broken our trust and that too our parents.

Vicky: Guys I want to go london because if I will be with you all I will feel more and more guilty because of them.

Vaish: why there is a need to feel guilty as you were not at fault and no need to go anywhere

Abhi: she is right. You are not going anywhere

Vicky: but......

Sid: no ifs and buts bhai. Now we should celebrate the moment.

All except him: yes.......

"Cheers" they all said and clicked their glasses together and drank the juice.

After some chit chats Vaishneet and Vicky went to their house. And then, Sid hugged Abhi tightly. Abhi caressed his hair and hugged him back with the same strength.

Sid: thank you so much dada for being there for me and for supporting me

Abhi: thank and that too to me. Am I your brother or a stranger?........Sid chuckled at his statement.

Sid: ok dada then I am taking my thank you back

Abhi: thats good........he said and they both started laughing

Abhi: ok now lets do the dinner

Sid: ok

They both were having their dinner.

Sid: dada when you are planning confess your feeling to Vaish dii

Abhi:  what???

Sid: I know you have feelings for her........he said while Abhi blushed

Abhi: but what if she rejects me

Sid: she will not dada I am sure that she also have feelings for you

Abhi: ok then I will try tomorrow.

So guys this is for today.

How was the chapter? Boring right. Well I have not given my best to it

Next chapter, there will be some romantic scenes of Abhinavi.

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