Avatar Day

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We had settled down somewhere in the middle of the forest to pass the night and I was sleeping soundly until I felt the ground beneath me shaking and rumbling. 

I open my eyes, seeing four Fire Nation soldiers atop rhinos encircling our camp. "Give up! You're completely surrounded!"

A Fire Nation launches several flaming arrows at me which I luckily dodge, deflecting the last one with my staff that was beside me. Sokka and Aang were already on Appa, I myself about to get on when I notice Katara turning back and running to her waterbending scrolls. "My scrolls!" She manages to summon a little water from her pouch, freezing the spear of the Fire Nation soldier waiting beside the box of scrolls. She hurriedly retrieves it, heading back to Appa in time.

"My staff!" Aang exclaimed, leaping off of Appa and sprinting towards his staff that was lying on a tree stump. Noticing a soldier swinging chains around the tree in front of Aang to bring it down, I airbend the soldier off his rhino, allowing Aang to grab his staff and get back onto Appa.

On my way back to Appa, I sling my staff over the shoulder, spotting Sokka's boomerang on the floor, picking it up quickly and leaping back onto Appa's saddle, the flying bison takes off. 

One of the soldiers shoots a fireball at us from below but Appa manages to evade it in time, the fireball narrowly sailing over our heads.

"Wait, I forgot my boomerang!" Sokka cried in distress, leaning over the saddle and peering out desperately. 

I swiftly hide his boomerang behind my back, slightly surprised he hadn't noticed me taking it earlier. The good in me wanted to return it to him immediately, but I ultimately ended up relenting to the wants of the mischievous side within me, wanting to see his reaction.

Katara tugs Sokka back, "There's no time!"

"Oh, I see," Sokka glares at Katara. "so there's time to get your scrolls and time to get Aang's staff, but no time for my boomerang?"

"That's correct!" Katara answered cheerfully.

"Oh," Sokka bowed his head in defeat, looking dejected. 'I feel really bad for him.'

"Well, I wouldn't say Katara's correct," I reveal the boomerang, handing it back to a beaming Sokka. 

"I love you Suzume!" Sokka embraces me and I hug him back, releasing it shortly after. Sokka looked a little flustered, blushing slightly. "I mean, thank you Suzume."

"You're welcome, Sokka," I smiled. "Just remember to take your belongings with you if they mean that much to you."

"You owe Suzume now, Sokka," Katara teased, looking at me gratefully.  

"Geez, you don't need to remind me," Sokka crossed his arms, glaring at her. A bit of travelling later, we eventually land at a shop at the edge of a cliff surrounded by open, green fields and nearing a village. 

We purchase some supplies at said shop and after the shopkeeper hands us our supplies, he closes his shop, sauntering away from us joyfully and wishing us something I'd never expected to hear, "Have a nice Avatar Day!"

Aang and I exchange interested glances with each other, Aang pressing the man further on the matter, "Avatar Day?"

"You guys are going to the festival, right?" the shopkeeper inquired, continuing on his journey ahead without awaiting our responses.

"We are definitely going to that festival," I declared firmly. "No objections."

"We weren't going to raise any," Sokka put his arms up in surrender. "Let's go."

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