Chapter 7: Mistake (Katherine)

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Katherine was leaning against one of the stalls a little way away from the hubbub of the arena, her head pressed against one of the wooden support beams, looking up at the sun that gazed down on her.

She couldn't lie to herself. She was glad Shelby had won. She was ecstatic that Shelby had won. But kinda sorry for Joey that he lost. Katherine gripped her arms for comfort as overwhelming feelings crashed into her. Why couldn't they just be friends? Why couldn't she pluck up the courage to tell Shelby what she felt? Why did she always have to ruin things?

She loved Shelby, but Joey was a friend. Was she really willing to sacrifice a friend for a feeling? Was she ready for a relationship with her curse 'n' all?


Katherine looked up to see Shelby coming down the path with Joey reluctantly in tow. Katherine chose not say anything as they approached her, allowing them to come closer.

"You didn't want us fighting for your hand?" Shelby asked timidly, breaking the silence.

"Umm... well," Katherine turned to her waiting suitors, "Umm... Joey already knows this - even if he chooses not too - but I got kinda a lot going on with fixing my kingdom and stuff and I don't think- I'm ready for a relationship. Yet."

Katherine didn't realise how big of a lie she had just told, until she saw the heartbreak on Shelby's face and Katherine's own heart split in two as the realisation hit her.

"oh..." whispered Shelby, looking at the ground and Katherine's heart broke even further.

Joey let out a little gasp and an equally disappointed oh, but the pain on his face didn't break Katherine's heart as much as Shelby's did.

After a minute of brooding silence, Shelby lifted her head and looked at Joey, "D'you think maybe we should truce, Joey?"

Joey nodded skeptically, "Yeah, I guess so,"

Katherine could've jumped up and down in happiness, but it didn't feel right, "Great! We can be like the three musketeers!"

Shelby nodded enthusiastically, Joey also nodded and they all hugged, sealing their somewhat friendship.

Katherine, Joey and Shelby then proceeded to join the rest of the emperors, Joey leading the way and Katherine and Shelby walking in an awkward silence behind him.

Katherine cursed herself for not seeing it earlier and glanced at the downcast witch.

"Shelby, I-"

Shelby looked at Katherine, her normally bright eyes dead and her normal beaming smile was turned upside down. Katherine's heart broke again, knowing that she was the cause for Shelby's hurt.

"Shelby, I'm so sorry," Katherine glanced up ahead at Pirate Joe then turned her attention to the witch again, "Can I explain myself later?"

"Sure," Shelby sighed and resumed her trance like walk while staring at the ground as if it were made of diamond.

Guilt drowned Katherine as they continued along the path, at least she could explain herself later.


After the festival finished all the emperors went home, including Katherine.

Katherine flew as fast as her elytra could carry her and she landed on the balcony of her castle.

She disposed of her festival things (including the paper that says 'Jimmy is in fact a toy') and sped out of her castle, taking to the air in a flash.

Katherine flew into the sunrise with determination and apologies, rehearsing what she was going to say to Shelby.

The Spell Called Love - Empires SMP S2 AU: Nature WivesWhere stories live. Discover now