Prologue: For Whom The Bell Tolls

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Warning: This story contains graphic content and themes, the nature of said content following the parameters of a no holds barred blows blood and death zombie theme. Content in chapters will also include sexual themes that will be marked by NSFW tags at the top. Reader's discretion is advised.


(San Diego, California)


"COMING THROUGH COMING THROUGH!" A doctor yelled through the corridor of a hospital as he along with three other nurses rushed a stretcher through the hall, a pregnant woman moaning and groaning from the absolute pain that was occurring in her stomach. She writhed and contorted in the sheets, searing hot sweat staining into the white pillows with enough moisture to make it appear as if she had just exited from a shower only moments ago. Her hands gripped onto the sides of her bed in a last desperate attempt that something, ANYTHING would do away with the agony going on in her womb.

"OHHHHH Go-O-Oddddd! Make it stop MAKE IT STOP!"

"She's hyperventilating!" One of the nurses reported. "She might go into cardiac arrest these symptoms just keep getting worse!"

"Get the defibrillator unit ready we need to restore her heart's rhythm once inside!"

"Make it stop make it stop make it stoooOOOOOP! PLEEEEEEEEASE! PLEEEEEEEEASE!"

"In here in here." The doctor pushed a curtain out of the way for the nurses to wheel the stretcher into a temporary operating area, the woman still writhing around in her bed and contorting so much to the sides it was as if she would simply roll off even with the guards in place to prevent that specific event from happening. The team of medical staff quickly went to work in setting up the area to begin treatment and stabilization procedures, a cart with a large defibrillator system being wheeled close by along with an IV system and EKG.

What was once a light caramel skin color had now turned into a feverish red if not a deeper shade than that, unending droves of sweat now pouring down her body in every place imaginable. Bloodshot eyes were rolling back into her skull with chest puffing so rapidly and with such force the heart would not take much more punishment than what it's already going through. And to think, not even ten minutes ago this group of four medical personnel were idling around on a non-busy day when the woman came hollering and screaming into the emergency reception claiming that something was "eating" at her insides or what felt like it. She collapsed onto the floor and from there it was a race to put her on a stretcher and apply the proper treatment. Her skin was scorching hot, even the doctors found it difficult to keep their hands on her long enough without the fear of being burned.

"Ma'am we're gonna have to get this shirt off of you if we want the defibrillator to administer a shock." A nurse informed as stable as she could in an effort to calm the patient down from their panicked state. Instead of listening however the woman lashed out with her head, her teeth biting at the air with the sound being very close to their right ear. "She's entering a state of delirium!"

"Just cut the cloth start from the bottom and go up, hold her head down!" The doctor reached for a pair of scissors as two of the nurses took it on themselves to hold the woman down by her shoulders, having to hold onto her arms as well in order to get a proper hold. Starting from the bottom of a wool long sleeve shirt the doctor began to cut through the cloth to remove the drenched material and give the woman some more breathing room. But as he did so he paused when reaching the halfway point of her pregnant stomach, his mind now subjecting to something that looked like it was straight out of a fictional movie.

"Doctor what is it?! Why have you..stopped...."

"...what the hell is that."

Speechless, nothing but mere croaks and creaks from their throats as the medical staff all stared to the exposed stomach of the woman, or at least what they think is a pregnant stomach. The skin was glowing red, a bulbous throbbing coming from within as some areas of the abdomen appeared like they were dried out despite the sweat coating her body. It was twitching, small muscle spasms coming from underneath that were abundant and sporadic enough to make it seem as if it were alive in a sort of way. There was also this subtle stench of rotten meat that began to plague the air slowly but surely as the scent singed into the doctor's nostrils with a burning waft. It wasn't sweat, no, something else was being leaked from the pores around the belly button that was viscous and thick. Like a very distilled and discolored substance of expired milk.

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