3: Just Another Day

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"Huhhh." Kirishima exhaled after driving the tip of a shovel into the side of a dirt slope, Tetsutetsu doing the same before wiping his forehead clear of sweat. The two young men were deep inside of a several foot hole dug out of the Earth's surface, just enough space for the both of them to stand in, as well as to lay down what must unfortunately be returned too soon. "Alright, bring him down, nice and easy."

Standing at the edge of the hole were Gunhead and Burnin who both crouched to pick up their own ends of a large, black body bag, gently craning the bag out into the receiving hands of the two Janitors. Holding the heavy bag over their heads Kirishima and Tetsutetsu both lowered it to their feet and onto the ground, careful as to not let it fall or drop when they released it from their care. The former picked his shovel out from the dirt and began sprawling out of the hole, the latter taking a moment to sigh and pat where the outline of the body bag marked the shoulders.

"Get some good sleep man. We'll take care of the rest."

Rising out of his squat Tetsutetsu retrieved his shovel out from the dirt and scurried up the slope of a grave, Kirishima and Midoriya both waiting on the edge to grab onto their companion's forearms and assist in pulling them out. With their fallen comrade laid into the dirt for burial the three Janitors stepped away from the large hole to join the mass of survivors all gathered behind them, the Overseer Midnight standing at the very front with a rose cusped in between both of her hands. With her right index and thumb fingers pinching the stem of the flower she lifted it, and sighed with the petals of deep red slowly twirling in front of her nose.

"It is, unfortunate that we had to lose somebody as young as he was." She started. "Hiryu Rin was, is, a wonderful young man who I had the honor of teaching when everything was a better time. And even in this time, that which separated him from others has remained true. Uniquely diligent, willing to get the job done no matter the difficulty, always seeing to it that others got their worth of share before he did. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see him wait at the rear end of everything to allow for the elderly and women to get their piece first, and even when others filed in for their share he'd step behind them until the last of the people had gotten their fill. Even if by the time his turn had come around and there wasn't as much to go his way than there would have been had he gone earlier, he paid no mind for it.

I envied him, having the strength to go out there in that terrible world do what he has to do and come back with the sanity that he retains, I envied that strength as even now I envy the rest of you for doing what needs to be done. Rin isn't dead, not even close. He lives on in our efforts, in our minds, and in our hearts forever and always, as everybody does. Rest now, Hiryu Rin. It's about time you have your share of the spoils now, with a proper and peaceful rest in Paradise. We will remember you, always."

Gently, Midnight blew over the rose with a small puff of her Quirk dusting the petals, then tossing the flower out towards the grave where it landed over the body bag. A pause was taken before a volley of other roses came flying from behind her and into the grave, covering the still package in a blanket of green stems and red petals. Once the last of the flowers had flown Midnight looked to her right where a man in a black hoodie and jeans waited next to a bell with a hammer in his hand, the Overseer nodding with the man nodding back. The hammer drew back, and struck the bell to make it ring.

*DING* One.

*DING* Two.

*DING* Three. Ryukyu, Mt. Lady and Uwabami remained heavily stone faced.

*DING* Four.

*DING* Five.

*DING* Six. Tetsutetsu sighed with Shiozaki squeezing his left hand tightly and resting her chin over his shoulder.

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