A Similar Story

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It had been over a month since the last encounter with the Stars, of course they had seen each other often. And fought but luckily Nightmare got the point through that he was actually taking care of Dust, although Dream didn't entirely believe that.

Half of the time Nightmare wouldn't bring Dust on missions, it would get a bit lonely. But Dust would never get in trouble, he listened to whatever Nightmare said.

In fact the only thing he's ever been in trouble for was either making a mess or accidentally dropping a glass cup and breaking it. Which Nightmare didn't care too much for, it was still pretty quiet around the castle too. (Definitely not foreshadowing-)

Dusts POV:

Nightmare had decided to take me out again, he took me out every other time now.
"Ready to go?" He asked when I came running to him and hugged his leg. I nodded eagerly and Nightmare decided to explain what this mission was about, he always did this but I listened anyway.

"Today we won't be killing anybody," Nightmare started making me droop a bit. "Instead we're going to explore an Au." I was interested in the exploration part of it but all the AU's seem to be the same.

They're all either happy or sad, but no matter what they're sad by the time we're done with them. Nightmare told me to stay close to him then teleported us to the new Au, it was empty?

It was just like mine, except- a lot of footprints everywhere. Maybe they were hiding from us? Nightmare started walking in the direction of Snowdin, I followed close behind him holding on to his tentacle as if it was a hand for me to hold.

Suddenly I heard footprints behind us, I let go of Nightmare and he stopped and turned around too. It was a little skeleton boy that was just my size, he had little black smudges under his face and I felt my stomach do a front flip.

He jumped at me with a knife and attempted to slash me, I summoned a bone in my hand and held onto it tight. I hit at the same time causing him to fly backwards, he landed just fine and prepared another attack.

Nightmare wrapped a tentacle around him in a heartbeat, but he didn't struggle at all. At made the bone in my hand disappear and stepped back a bit so I didn't seem like a threat.

"What happened here?" He asked, addressing the kid, I went back to his side and hugged onto his leg again. I felt scared but not entirely, just very nervous.
"I killed them all!" The boy declared attempting to throw his hands on his hips with a proud grin on his face, just like me..

"Do you need a home?" WHAT- I understood that it was empty in the castle but another kid!? That means I'd have to share my things, and be nice, and-and-and probably share missions!

The kid nodded,
"Would you kill your entire Au again?" I begged he'd say no even though Nightmare wanted him to say yes but he gave a big nod, great..

"Dust, go check out the rest of the Au." Nightmare ordered me, I ran off in a heartbeat. They were probably gonna discuss a deal, maybe the boy wouldn't accept it?

I really hope, I don't think I want to live with somebody that tried to kill me. He didn't even target Nightmare, who is way bigger than me! And an obvious target, compared to me at least.

After awhile I was startled by Nightmare popping up behind me,
"It's time to go," he told me. I didn't question what happened, Nightmare looked frustrated, so the boy wasn't joining us.

Nightmares POV:

I left to return back to the 'Something new..' Au, I had told Dust who was playing in his room and simply nodded. When I entered the first thing I saw was an upset sans with black liquid dripping down from his eyes.

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