Horrifying Places And Lots Of Love

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*Errors POV*
"Hey- Error," I turned my head to see Nightmare. "Uhm the kids and I made these cookies, and uh they wanted me to bring you some-.." My face heated up a bit,
"Oh-! Thanks," I took the plate and used my strings to keep them safe.
"Do you wanna destroy an AU- together?" Nightmare asked looking nervous,
"Sure!" I smiled, "but what about the kids-"

"ERROR!" Nightmare looked frustrated, as I flipped my head around to see Ink.
"Uhm- hi." I greeted him as my eye socket twitched in annoyance,
"How are you doing sweetheart?" He chirped,
"I WAS doing good," I mumbled.

"Aww aren't you happy to see me?"
"No, now can you get out of my Antivoid?"
"But-" Ink argued, getting cut off by a red shoe flying at him and hitting him in the back of the head.

"Thank you, Berror!" I called as I watched Ink stumble to his feet, amusement glittering in Nightmares eyes.
"You're welcome!" Berror called back, "Keep flirting with your boyfriend!"
"He's not my-!"
"Not yet!" Berror interrupted me, before running up and kicking Ink out and into a portal I had summoned.

Nightmares face looked almost entirely cyan, mine wasn't too much better. "I'll leave you two to do whatever you want." Berror said winking and walking away,

*Timeskip bc yes*

"Berror got what he deserved," Error decided. As him and Nightmare walked side by side,
"I'm sure, he definitely would hate babysitting the kids." Nightmare replied sarcastically,
"It's the only fit punishment!" Error declared as Nightmare stabbed somebody with his tentacle.

After a while, Error grabbed onto Nightmare's hand, making Nightmare blush but not draw attention to it.
"Oh- uh sorry-" Error glitched as he realized he was holding Nightmares hand,
"You did a good job not glitching." Error nodded as his face turned blue,
"Uhm there are not a lot of monsters out in this AU." He said changing the subject, Nightmare was slightly disappointed but nodded.
"Yeah, this is an odd type of Horrortale–"
"Lots of blood stained snow.." Error trails off as they hear movement in the snow and bushes.

They share a glance and then nod before teleporting off to corner the monster who made the sound.

(Nightmare POV:)
I appeared behind the source of the sound to find a really skinny skeleton, who seemed wounded.
"W-who are you!!" He squeaked as he attempted to back away, an injured leg, I noticed. Soon he noticed Error and burst into tears,
"Hey..- it's okay we won't hurt you.." I tried to soothe him, which didn't work very well.
"I-I don't believe you! Get away from me!" He cried as his tears mixed with blood dripped onto the snow.

"What happened?" Error asked him,
"Brother said I can't come back till I've found food, there's nothing and my head started to bleed again!" The kid sobbed,
"Here why don't you-"
"No! No! I have to get home! With food for my brother!" He shouted as he continued to bawl his eyes out.

"Uh Error, do you have any chocolate bars?"
"Yes.." Error sighed as he handed it over,
"Hey, kid, what about this food?" I asked as I showed it to him, he paused and stopped crying for a second.

He snatched it from my hands and inspected it before deeming it safe,
"H-how will I-I get it back to my brother?" He stuttered as he looked at his bloody leg,
"I'll carry you." I offered, the kid looked unsure, but nodded and let me scoop him up.

"How do you know where my house is?" He asked as we arrived, I told him some random lie as we waited for the door to open.

"Sans, I hope you're not coming back empty handed.." The monster demanded before looking at us and stumbling backwards in shock, "who-..?"
"I have this!" The little sans showed off ignoring all the blood and pain he should be feeling.

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