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(No POV:)

"Dust, are you gonna finish your pancakes?" Horror asked looking over at Dust who had barely touched his food. Dust shook his head and passed the plate over to Horror, while Horror grinned trying to be friendly with him.

"So you guys know I'm going to be gone tonight right?" Nightmare questioned the four kids, they all nodded.
"Nightmare!" Berror greeted as he basically kicked down the door to Nightmares office.
"What do you need?" Nightmare questioned as he looked up at Berror,
"You're going on a date with Error?!"
"On Friday," Nightmare confirmed.

"Can I help you plan it?" Berror begged,
"As long as you don't tell Error," Nightmare sighed, agreeing. "And take care of the kids that same day," Berror nodded.

"First off you should get him chocolate, because it's his favorite food, and the only one he's ever eaten." Berror started explaining as if he was teaching Nightmare all about Error. "Secondly, don't plan something in a busy place. Error hates people, and you don't want him to crash just because somebody bumped into him."

"I was thinking-"
"I'm not finished." Berror interrupted, "It shouldn't be somewhere dangerous where he'll need to fight, the place you take him should be calm so he isn't stressed out, and it shouldn't be in an AU that needs to be destroyed." Berror instructed,
"Are you done now?"

"Okay, so what I was trying to say is that I was thinking of having a picnic in Outertale."
"Oh that's perfect! He'll love that!" Berror exclaimed, while Nightmare sighed. "You were trying to say that the whole time, weren't you?"
"Heh sorry- I just want him to be happy."
"That makes two of us."

"But- He hasn't tried any other food than chocolate, how will you know what he likes?"
"I didn't really get to that part yet.." Nightmare paused to think, "I think I have an idea though."


"Mama, where are you going?" Horror asked grabbing onto Nightmares leg,
"I'm going to visit Error." Nightmare responded, patting Horrors head softly.
"Why do you look so fancy?" Killer questioned as Horror unwrapped his arms for Nightmares leg and went to join the others.
"Because- Error and I are going to a fancy place." Nightmare kneeled down and hugged all of them, except for Papyrus who didn't want to be hugged.

Suddenly a glitchy portal opened and Berror stepped through, it closed almost instantly.
"Kids, Berror will be taking care of you tonight, be good." Berror nodded and greeted the kids, Horror hugged onto Berror in a heartbeat.
"Bye Mama!" Killer waved, as Nightmare disappeared into goop.

He then appeared in Errors Antivoid,
"Oh Asgore you're already here!?" Error glitched,
"Not even a 'Hi'?" Nightmare laughed as Error blushed,
"Ah yes, greetings King of Negativity." Error mocked with a fake bow,
"Oh shut up idiot," Nightmare whacked Error lightly with one of his tentacles, "Don't we have somewhere to be now?"

"Oh- yeah, where are we going?"
"That's a surprise, Dear." Nightmare held Error's hand and teleported them to Outertale. Error was glitching a bit but he seemed to not notice it much,
"Outertale?" Error questioned, excitement beaming in his eye-lights. Nightmare smiled and led Error along a path, Error followed closely holding tightly onto Nightmares hand.

Eventually they reached a grassy hill where you could see the stars perfectly. On the hill there was a checker patterned blanket and a little basket,
"Do you like it?" Nightmare asked, he turned to Error and held both of Error's hands.
"Like it? It's amazing! I love it!" Error gave Nightmare a quick kiss on the cheek, making Nightmares face light up with blush.

Error dragged Nightmare over and they sat down on the blanket, "Do you know anything about space?" Error mumbled not taking his eyes off the sky.
"Yeah, I know some stuff about it." Nightmare responded as he hugged Error, Error grinned in return.
"Like what?"

(Berror's POV):

Horror was still hugging onto me, Killer is quite chaotic, hopefully I can take care of these four kids on my own.
"Mr.Berror," Murder tugged on my sleeve. "What are we gonna have for dinner?"
"How does Mac n' cheese sound?"
"Amazing!" Murder grinned,
"Great! Why don't you guys go play while I make it?" I offered, hoping they'd get distracted long enough for me to finish making it.
"Yes! Let's play!" Killer exclaimed, grabbing Murders hand and guiding him to the playroom, Horror and Papyrus followed.

As the kids went to the playroom I found the box of Mac n' cheese and started following the instructions. After a while the Mac n' cheese was cooking, till Murder and Horror came down.
"What happened?!" I asked jumping up as I saw Horrors head bleeding,
"I-I don't know, I-it just s-started bleeding.." Horror cried, sniffling in between words.
"Shhh it's okay, come here, I'll heal you." I comforted him, as I hugged him. After a second he glowed blue, when the glow disappeared it was still bleeding? "Uhm- that should have worked.." I mumbled, trying to remain calm.

"Why don't we put bandages around it? Then you can play,"
"But it still hurts!" Horror complained tear streaming down his cheeks,
"I'll give you pain meds," I promised, picking Horror up. Murder followed closely behind me, I assumed he wanted to know if Horror would be fine, or maybe he wanted to help.

I pushed the door to the bathroom open with my foot and set Horror on the counter while I searched for the first-aid kit, Murder pointed me to where it was. "Hold still," I told Horror as I carefully dabbed at the blood with some cotton. After that I gave him a pill to swallow for the pain, and told him to be careful, then I let him and Murder run off to play again.

As I walked back to the kitchen I remembered- "THE MAC N' CHEESE!" I recalled as I teleported to the kitchen, luckily it wasn't quite burnt. I took it off and put it into five separate bowls, the bigger bowl for me. Then I called the kids down and ate dinner with them, except Killer was being difficult and refusing to eat.

"Killer, why won't you eat it?" I half questioned-half begged, after all the others had gone back to playing,
"It looks nasty!" Killer exclaimed sticking his tongue out, I used it as an opportunity to shove a spoon in his mouth. Killer looked upset for a second then he paused and stole the spoon out of my hands, now he began gulping it down on his own.
"How old are you?" I asked out of curiosity,
"I'm 6!" He mumbled around the food in his mouth,
"And how old are the others?"
"Murder is 5, Horror is 7, and Papyrus is 9." (I know Sanses are normally older than the Papyrus and I'm not being canon, but ✨plot purposes✨)

After Killer finally finished eating he handed me his bowl and ran upstairs to join the others, after washing the dishes I collapsed on the couch with a big sigh.
"Berror!" Killer greeted me, out of breath.
"Yes, little one?"
"Can you play with us?"
"Sure," I dragged myself up off the couch and followed Killer as he pulled me into the playroom.

Word Count- 1283 words
A/N- Hey! I'm not dead, that crazy I know. I hope this chapter is long enough for you guys for now, I'm hoping that the next chapter has more Errormare but my motivation for ships has gone down the drain.

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