Sudden Babysitting

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Dust had just finished getting ready and now ran up to me with excitement beaming in his eyes. We teleported and entered a random AU fairly far away from the Star Sans,
"You can run off but remember if those people show up then find me." I told him as he began to run off, hopefully he wouldn't have any trouble.

After a while the AU was full of despair and sadness until a spike of positivity struck me. Dream was here. I cursed under my breath and decided to find Dust before I found Dream, because if Dream brought the rest of the Stars then I'd be dangerous for Dust to be here.

"Dust!" I gasped in relief when I found him, I pulled him closer to me with a tentacle then an idea struck me. "Have you ever tortured somebody?" Dust nodded with a smile, as long as he was close enough to me he couldn't get hurt, and he could cause negativity.

"Let's go find somebody close by that you can torture, but stay close to me. One of The Stars is here," we quickly found somebody but at the same time Dream showed up.

"What are you doing with that kid!?" He asked me in alarm, he probably assumed the worst out of me, of course.
"Is that one of the Stars?" Dust asked from behind me, I nodded signaling him to hide. Turns out he managed to drag the monster he wanted to torture with him, because I felt a bunch of negativity from where he was hiding.

Eventually Dream hit a good shot on my leg and I knew it was best to leave, I teleported to Dust who quickly killed the monster and we teleported away. When we reached the castle I practically collapsed because of the positivity arrow.

"Dust, can you find Error's contact?" I asked through gritted teeth, Dust nodded and I handed him my phone. A few minutes later Dust had it pulled up and handed the phone back to me.

"Thanks, why don't you change into something else, you're covered in dust." I offered to him so he nodded and ran off, seconds after he left I called Error.

"So you need me to take care of the kid for a few days?" Error asked through the call where his voice sounded more glitchy than normal.
"Yeah, I can take care of the injury, but I know it's gonna leave me weak for a bit." Nightmare responded, as held the arrow that he had just pulled out seconds ago.

"You're lucky that the kid actually listens," Error mumbled.
"So is that a yes darling?"
"Fine, but stop calling me that!" Error's voice glitched out more, I smiled knowing that I wouldn't stop, and that he was probably a blushing mess in his anti-void right now.

I ended the call and decided to tell Dust that Error was going to be the one mainly taking care of him for a bit. I stumbled to Dust's room where he was playing with a few toys Error had brought in the morning.

"Hey Dust, are you okay with Error taking care of you for a bit?" I asked,
"Ooo sure!!" Dust said looking up from his playing, he sounded excited so he must have liked Error, good.

"Okay, Error will be here soon." I told Dust before messily teleporting back to my room, and landed on my bed. And within minutes I was fast asleep out of exhaustion, hopefully Error would be here before Dust needed anything.

Error's POV:

I jumped out of my glitchy portal and into the castle, the negative aura was far less than usual. Before I check on Dust I should probably talk with Nightmare, so I did. I twisted the knob of the door and entered, Nightmare was fast asleep on his bed.

I closed the door quietly hoping I didn't wake him up and decided to go find Dust. Dust was in his room playing with some toys but jumped up when I opened the door.
"Erroror!" He cheered when I opened the door, I smiled awkwardly as he messed up my name a bit.

What did I get myself into, taking care of a child? Why did I say yes? Because he called me a stupid nick-name? I blushed a bit remembering when I said I agreed to take care of the child, what was I supposed to do with this kid?

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