Act 1, Scene 2

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(We open up in an ordinary living room, there's a small couch and a tv in front of it. A door is on the other side of the stage.)

(James is sitting in the living room, asleep, his backpack right next to him on the floor)

(Jocelyn walks up to the door, backpack in hand as she knocks on the door)

Jocelyn: Yo James! Hurry up.

(James sturs awake a bit)

James: What time is it?

Jocelyn: It's 9:05

(James jumps awake, running to the door, backpack in hand)

James: 9:05?! How are we that late?

Jocelyn: (Bursts in laughter) I can't believe you fell for that. Why would I be late?

James: Right right, you are Ms. Perfect. You can't ever be late for school. What time is it actually?

Jocelyn: It's 6, dude. You know me.

James: Oh my god, school is right next door. Literally, it's a block away! Why do you wake up so early?

Jocelyn: Because I can?

James: BeCaUsE I CaN. Come inside, school doesn't start until 8.

(James steps out of the doorway and allows Jocelyn to walk inside. Jocelyn walks in and plops herself down on the couch)

James: Geez, make yourself at home, I guess

Jocelyn: I forgot how comfortable your couch is.

James: You say that every time you come over.

Jocelyn: Well, because it is.

James: Fine, well, why did you come to my house this early? You usually just stay home and then come pick me up,

Jocelyn: Well, I wanted to see if.... You were finally gonna ask her.

James: A-Ask who?

Jocelyn: Come on, you know who I'm talking about.

James: You don't know anything.

Jocelyn: Come on, you know who I'm talking about. Starts with an A? Ends with an A? And has a lex in the middle?

James: Fine fine... I admit it. I...might be asking out Alexa today.

Jocelyn: Oooooh! I knew it! You've liked her since kindergarten.

James: Shhhh, can you be any louder?

(James' mom walks on stage)

Mom: What's this about you like a girl?

James: Moooom! It's nothing.

Mom: Now Jamesey, you're a senior now. You need to be careful. Your hormones are starting to-

James: Ew ew ew Mom, stop stop, I'm out.

(James grabs his backpack and runs out the door. Jocelyn stumbles off the couch)

Jocelyn: Bye Mrs.Smith.

Mom: Bye Jocelyn! Take good care of my son, will ya?

Jocelyn: Of course Mrs.Smith, when don't I?

(Jocelyn walks out the door, blackout)

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