Act 3, Scene 3

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(We open up on a train station, the stage filled with the same flashback yellow light)

(Joaquin, Diego, Jinx, Vero, Jocelyn, James, and Alexa walk onstage, laughing)

Joaquin: Man, that fun!

James: When is it not? We should hang out at Japan-central more often.

Alexa: I mean, yeah, it's pretty fun!

Diego: Well maybe we would have had more fun if you weren't such a picky eater.

Alexa: I'm sorry, I am not eating Unagi. Fried eel? Really?

JInx: I thought it was really crispy.

Vero: I don't usually like fish but I kinda liked the Unagi. It was a nice break from all the other fish.

Jocelyn: Alright, we have some time until the next train comes along. Can you guys believe they finally invented hover trains?

Vero: I mean, originally it was just planes that flew through the air.

Alexa: Yeah, but these are so much cooler.

Vero: That's true, but still, our tax dollars could have been spent on so many better things.

Jinx: Bruh, you're acting like you're the one paying the bills.

Vero: Well, it's still my parents paying the bills. So much money is going to waste to build things that we don't need, like this hover train, instead of having it go towards something that we could actually use, like more teachers.

James: Well, if you wanna go back down and take a regular bus back home, you can. I'm just saying that the hover train is so much faster.

Jocelyn: And I have to get home soon. It's already late and my parents are rushing me to get home. You know how they can be...

Vero: I'm not complaining! I'm just saying.

Diego: You were just complaining.

Vero: No I wasn't.

Diego: Yes you were.

Vero: Whatever! You know what I meant.

Joaquin: Hey guys! Is that Ms.Stevens down there?

(Joaquin, Alexa, Diego, Jocelyn, James, and Jinx walk over to "the edge of the train station" which is just off stage)

Vero: Guys! Don't get so close to the edge.

Joaquin: We'll be fine Vero! Don't freak out.

James: Yeah, we'll be fine.

(Christine walks onstage, walking towards Vero)

(Vero looks at Christine before looking back at the group, worried)

Christine: Those your friends?

Vero: Yeah, but they're not listening.

Christine: Well, what do you mean?

Vero: I told them to back away from the edge but they're not listening to me.

(Christine slowly moves her hand up, taking control of Vero)

Christine: And who are they listening to?

Vero: They're listening to Joaquin. They always do.

Christine: That must suck. They really don't listen to you?

Vero: Nope, they never do.

Christine: You know... if Joaquin was out of the picture, they would listen to you.

Vero: Yeah... they would...

Christine: Why don't you get him out of the picture. Nothing is stopping you.

(Vero looks at Christine)

Vero: How do I do that?

Christine: Well, the opportunity is presenting itself. Push him.

Vero: Push him?

Christine: Yeah, over the edge. Let him fall to his death.

Vero: Yeah.... Yeah...

(Vero slowly walks forward, Christine's hand still out, controlling them)

(Vero walks behind Joaquin and pushes him)

(Joaquin disappears off stage, yelling)

Alexa: Joaquin!!!

(Everyone looks off stage, horrified)

(Christine walks offstage)

(Black out)

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