Act 2, Scene 6

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(We open up on the evil lair again, Diego is the only one on stage, sitting in a chair, tied up. His gun is across the room on a table)

(Jennifer walks in, trying to stay quiet behind him)

Diego: I know you're there.

Jennifer: How on earth did you know?

Diego: There's nothing else in the room. It's silent. Anything can be heard. So hearing footsteps behind me, kinda puts 2 and 2 together.

Jennifer: You're pretty smart, aren't you?

Diego: Not really, it's just a simple understanding of your surroundings.

Jennifer: Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?

(She pulls up a chair, sitting across from Diego)

Diego: To be free? I still don't know what you guys did to me. I was in the park one moment and the next, I'm tied up to this chair.

Jennifer: I'm sorry but I didn't want to. Look, I wasn't lying when I thought you were cute. You are, and I really mean it. It's just... I'm a part of this evil team. I can't be with you. You're part of this good team, the rebellion to what the president put out as a law. And we're the evil team. If we were to be together, it would never work.

(Moment of awkward silence between the two)

Diego: So... why don't you leave?

Jennifer: Wha-what?

Diego: You can leave this group. Come with me and my friends. Sure, you broke our friend so it'll take a while for us to trust you. But... you can come with us...

Jennifer: You really mean it? Can I?

Diego: Of course. Now, come un-tie me and we can get out of here.

Jennifer: Okay!

(Jennifer runs to untie Diego but suddenly freezes, standing still)

Diego: He-hey! Are you okay?

(Christine walks onstage, her hand held out)

Chistine: Tsk tsk tsk, what do you think you're doing Jennifer?

Diego: Hey! What are you doing to her?

Christine: I'm doing what I should have done in the first place. Jennifer! Forget who this man is and

Diego: What?! No, don't kill me! Fight whatever she's doing to you! Stop it now! Jennifer? It's me! Don't do it! It's me!

Jennifer: I don't even know who you are.

(Jennifer walks over to the table that holds Diego's gun and picks it up, cocking it)

Jennifer: Any last words?

James: Not so fast!

(James, Vero, Jinx, Alexa, and Jocelyn run onstage. Jocelyn has her sword out and Alexa has her shield, ready to fight. Jinx has a bag with them, almost like a satchel)

Diego: You guys! Help me!

Jinx: You made a big mistake!

Alexa: Let our friend go!

Christine: Oh yeah? Or what?

James: Or we would have to kill you ourselves.

Christine: I wouldn't say anything too rash. My friend is still aiming the gun at his head.

Jennifer: Don't make me pull the trigger. I don't know who this is but I will shoot!

Diego: James! You have to help. Jennifer, the girl holding the gun, is under this girl's control. She's one of the good ones, just like us!

James: She is literally holding a gun to your head!

Diego: Trust me! Please!

Miche: Enough!

(Miche, Chris, Manny, and Gemma walk onstage from the opposite side of where James, Vero, Jinx, Alexa, and Jocelyn ran in from)

James: Who are you guys?

Miche: I think you guys know this. We're Team S.K.Y!

Vero: So you guys are the super freaks!

Chris: Freaks? I'll show you who's a freak!

Miche: Chris! Enough!

(Miche walks forward, pointing to James)

Miche: You...

James: Me?

Miche: Yeah, you! This is between you and me.

James: How so?

Miche: Come on... don't you remember me? Brother?

(Black out, End of Act 2)

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