Act 1, Scene 7

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(We open up back at the hillside, the tree still there as Diego is on his phone, his back against the tree)

(Jocelyn walks on stage)

Jocelyn: Good morning Diego!

Diego: Hey Jocelyn! I got your text. Why did you want me to meet you here early? I could have came with the group.

Jocelyn: No, I actually came to talk to you about something.

Diego: Oh? What about?

Jocelyn: How long have you been friends with James?

Diego: I mean... I guess you can say there's no one I've known longer. Except of course... (He pats the tree's trunk).. Joaquin here.

Jocelyn: Perfect! So, has James told you about his thing for Alexa?

Diego: I mean, yeah. We're each other's wingman.

Jocelyn: Yeah yeah, whatever. Look, I need your help. You've known James the longest and I've known Alexa the longest. Maybe we should try to help them out, get them together.

Diego: I don't know.. I fondly remember James telling me he wants to go with the flow with this. He doesn't want to rush things. Which I totally understand.

Jocelyn: I'm not saying we literally push them together. Let's... drop little hints or different choices that could lead to them getting together.

Diego: I don't know... still seems kind of forced.

Jocelyn: It's not forcing really.

(From the other side of the stage where Jocelyn came in, Jennifer and Manny walk onstage)

Manny: Well well well, look what we have here, Jennifer. A couple of people standing next to our tree.

(Diego turns around to face them leaving Jennifer speechless as she stares at him)

Manny: Hellooo? Jennifer? Earth to Jennifer?

(She appears to wake up from her trance)

Jennifer: Huh? Oh, right. (She clears her throat) You guys lost or something?

Diego: No, but it seems like you're lost. (He gets in front of Jocelyn who seems to be in awe of Manny) Now can we help you?

Manny: Oh come on man, don't be like that. We just wanna talk. (He takes a step closer to Diego but Diego reaches into his pocket)

Diego: Don't take one more step. You come any further and your foot gets blown off!

Manny: Oh? And how are you gonna do that?

(Diego pulls his gun out of his pocket, aiming it at Manny)

Diego: My dad was one of the ex-police officers. Luckily, he got to keep his stuff. Now... What do you guys want?

Jennifer: Woah Woah Woah, don't be so rash! We just wanna steal your valuables, that's all.

Manny: Yeah, and that gun is looking like it needs a new home.

Diego: Yeah? Well, keep moving. We don't have any valuables. We're high school students.

(Jocelyn looks at the tree and then back at Manny. Manny catches this and looks at the tree)

Manny: Aww, this tree has importance to you?

(Diego cocks the gun, still aiming it at Manny)

Diego: Step. away. From. The tree!

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