Act 3, Scene 6

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(We open up in a school classroom. The sound of glass breaking can be heard in the background as a teacher walks up to the whiteboard. A group of students are sitting down in chairs, writing something down)

Ms.Stevens: Alright class, now today we are going to be learning about the history of 2020-2026.

Random student: Why are we learning this? Our society has gone down since our president passed the law 3 weeks ago.

Quiet Kid: Speaking of that...(They reach into their bag, pulling out a gun) EVERYONE ON THE GROund....

(The whole class goes into slow motion before freezing. Everyone except James)

James: So now you're caught up with what happened. Why we're in the situation we are in now. I know, it's a lot. But, we did it. Everything actually happened. I found out I was an experiment. I also found out that I had a twin. Me and a couple of friends got superpowers. My best friend became my sister and my crush became my girlfriend. Life can be pretty horrible but when you have family and friends that you can count on, it makes it worth living.

(Time starts to back to normal)

(James faces the quiet kid)

James: Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

Quiet kid: Yeah? Who's gonna stop me? You?

James: I'm giving you one final chance. Put. The gun. Down.

Quiet kid: Too bad! You can't stop me.

James: Not by myself.

(James pulls out his phone, talking into it as if on speaker phone)

James: REBELS!!

(Diego, Jennifer, Vero, Jinx, Jocelyn, Manny, and Alexa run onstage. Alexa carrying the shield, Diego carrying his fathers gun, Jocelyn equipped with the sword, and Jinx having the satchel on them. They all get into battle position right next to each other)

James: Mobilize!

Quiet kid: Oh crap....

(They all charge at the quiet kid, blackout)

(The sound of a phone ringing fills the air)

(On recording)

Dad: So? Did you do it?

Miche: Sorry Dad. I couldn't kill James.

Dad: He has no powers! You could have easily killed him!

Miche: That's the thing, Dad. He has powers now!

Dad: He does? It worked... it actually worked!

Miche: What should Team S.K.Y do next Dad?

Dad: Stay there. I'm coming over. I think it's time for the world to see the true power of Team S.K.Y!

Miche: You mean?

Dad: That's right. Dad is coming home.

(End of play)

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