Act 2, Scene 3

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(We open up at a random park, and no one is there. Diego walks on stage, holding his phone, speaking to it on speaker phone)

Diego: No one is at the park, James.

James: (on the phone, offstage) Well keep looking. We need a sign that someone from that Team S.K.Y group is there.

Diego: Well, I don't think that anyone will be-

(Jennifer walks on stage from the opposite side that Diego walked in)

Jennifer: Well hello there.

Diego: You!

James: (On the phone, offstage) Diego? Diego, is someone there?

Diego: No, not at the moment. I'll call you back if I see someone. Okay?

James: (On the phone, offstage) Alright, just stay safe.

Diego: Alright dude. (He hangs up the phone)

Jennifer: Lying to your best friend? That was incredibly evil of you.

Diego: Yeah well he doesn't need to know what's gonna happen.

Jennifer: You know, you're kinda cute?

Diego: O-oh, um... tha-thanks.

(Jennifer smiles, walking toward Diego)

Jennifer: Something tells me that no one has called you that before. (She runs her fingers through his hair)

Diego: No-not really (He slowly melts at her touch)

Jennifer: What is someone like you doing not being in an evil team?

Diego: (He slowly snaps out of it) Well... you guys destroyed my oldest friend.

Jennifer: That silly tree? You guys are upset at a tree?

Diego: You guys destroyed the only thing that my friends and I have left of him.

(He pulls out the gun and cocks it, aiming it at Jennifer)

Diego: I don't care how pretty you are. You're still gonna pay!

Jennifer: Aww,(she places her head on her hand leaning on it, teasing him.) Why are all the cute ones so aggressive?

Diego: Flattery will get you no-nowhere.

Jennifer: I didn't want to do this. Hypno-sis! Do it!

(Christine walks onstage, holding her hand towards Diego)

Christine: Listen to my voice, hear me speak. You are now under my control.

(Diego stands up straight, listening to Christine, in a trance)

Christine: Put the gun away and pull out your phone.

(Not saying a word, he puts his gun away and pulls out his phone)

Christine: Now let your little friends know you're being taken hostage in our hideout, 1345 south Fake street, and to come for you.

Diego: (He pulls his phone up to his mouth) Hey Siri, text James: Help, I'm being held hostage at 1345 south Fake street. Help me, please. (He looks up at Christine) It is done.

Christine: Good, now come with us. We have plenty of work to do.

Jennifer: Wait, we should take advantage while we have the chance.

Christine: Okay, I know we might be evil but even I have standards. But hey, he's your crush. You do you.

Jennifer: Not like that! We should ask him for any information that might be useful.

Christine: Alright alright. You, tell me everything!

Diego: My name is Diego Angel Ramerez. I live at 560 South Keating Avenue, 60629. I'm 5'8, and weigh 168 pounds.

Christine: Not like that. Tell me what you know about what you and your friends are gonna do.

Diego: We call ourselves The Rebels.

Christine: What a bunch of A-holes. Come on, we need to take him to the boss.

Jennifer: Will he be alright?

Christine: Yeah yeah, he'll be fine. He will be free from my control in 20 minutes. Just enough time for us to prepare.

Jennifer: I guess, but prepare for what?

Christine: An attack of course. You don't think his friends will come without an attack, do you?

Jennifer: True... but let's not hurt them that much.

Christine: We'll see, now come!

(Christine and Jennifer walk off stage, Diego follows behind them, in a trance)


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