Act 2, Scene 5

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(We open up outside of the building, a free standing door is there, on the other side is a laboratory, holding 3 separate vials with a drinkable liquid)

(James, Alexa, Jocelyn, Vero, and Jinx walk up to the door, trying to stay low)

James: Here's the address. 1345 south Fake street.

Vero: Why is the old abandoned chalk factory the place Diego is being held?

Alexa: Well, whoever is keeping Diego hostage is probably the stereotypical bad guy with the villain name that has to do with who they are.

Jinx: Yo, can we just rush inside? I wanna beat some people up.

Jocelyn: We need to come up with a plan first.

Jinx: Screw that.

(Jinx runs into the door, opening it up in a slam as they walk inside. The rest follow inside right behind them)

Alexa: I don't think they're making chalk here anymore.

Vero: This is so creepy. It's like a giant evil laboratory.

Jocelyn: And look! (She points to the vials on the table) It looks like they created something.

Vero: What is it?

(James walks up to one of the vials and picks it up, taking a whiff, automatically pulling away)

James: Oh my god! Whatever it is, it has a strong smell.

Jinx: Strong like a heavy smell? Or strong like it smells bad?

James: Strong like heavy alcohol.

(Jinx picks up the second vial)

Jinx: I kinda wanna try it...

Alexa: Jinx, no! That's a terrible choice.

Vero: Jinx... (They pick up the third and final vial) I'll drink it if you do.

Jinx: Bet! I'm down!

Jocelyn: No, you guys aren't drinking it! James, tell them to stop!

(James looks at the vial in his hand, shaking it a bit. He looks at the group and instantly chugs it down)

Alexa: James!

Jinx: Wooo! My man! Bottoms up!

(Both Jinx and Vero chug down their vials)

Jocelyn: Guys! Why did you do that!

James: I'm sure it's safe. What evil team would leave out a potentially harmful vial for anyone to drink?

Jocelyn: Um, maybe a good one who could be setting up a trap!

James: I'm sure it's fine. Look, I'm totally o-

(Suddenly, James hunches over, clutching his stomach. He kneels down to the ground before falling over to the side, groaning. Jinx and Vero soon follow the same, clutching their stomachs before falling over to their sides. Almost at the same time, the three lie motionless on the floor)

Jocelyn: Jinx! Vero!

(Jocelyn runs over to Jinx and Vero, trying to check up on them)

Alexa: James!

(Alexa runs over to James, kneeling down next to him, holding his arm)

Alexa: James! Don't die! Don't die on me now! James! James!

(Black out)

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