chapter 10

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tori couldn't fall asleep that night. it had nothing to do with trevor or the name of the group chat, although that whole mess made her laugh. she knew trevor didn't like her. how could he possibly after only knowing her for a day? her mind kept racing but not because of that. in all honesty, she had no idea why she couldn't fall asleep. she kept tossing and turning. finally, she had enough and texted quinn to see if he was still awake. much to her dismay, he didn't respond.

tori sighed and whispered, "who else could possibly be up?"

she knew there was no way jack was still awake and she didn't want to bother luke. that left cole, trevor, and alex. given everything that happened today, she felt more inclined to text cole. she didn't have any issues with trevor or alex, but she just wasn't as close with them.

she quickly texted cole and asked if he was awake. thankfully, he responded within a minute which made tori relieved. tori explained to cole that was she having issues fall asleep and just wanted to talk to someone. cole asked if she wanted him to come to her room and she told him that she would appreciate it.

a few seconds later, tori heard a knock on the door. "come in," she said quietly.

cole slowly opened the door, trying to not wake anyone else up. he closed the door behind him and stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. he asked, "are you sure this is okay?"

"cole, you're literally fine. also, you can sit on my bed instead of just standing there," tori motioned him to get come over.

cole plopped down beside her. there was a moment of silence, but it wasn't awkward. it was actually peaceful. it was as if the atmosphere of the room had shifted and tori's brain was drawn back to reality.

"so why exactly can't you feel asleep?" cole asked, making himself comfortable.

tori laid back down on her bed and mumbled, "if i knew, i would tell you."

cole was still sitting up on the bed. he looked over at her and was trying to analyze the situation. eventually, he asked another question, "does this have anything to do with trevor and the groupchat?"

"no, i don't think so. that stuff didn't really bother me. i don't believe trevor has a crush on me anyways, it's only been a day. even if he did, that's fine. i have no control over his feelings,"tori rambled.

that was the truth. if trevor liked her, there wasn't anything she could do about it. she was indifferent about the situation. she hardly knew him after all.

cole could tell she just wanted to talk to somebody. it didn't really matter what about. she just needed to distract her mind and maybe she would eventually get tired. he asked, "do you think trevor's cute?"


"do you think trevor is cute? yes or no?" cole repeated himself.

tori looked confused but answer anyways, "he's definitely not ugly by any means." she then continued, "what does this have to do with anything?"

cole had to think for a bit, not thinking she would ask him that. he had no rhyme or reason for asking besides wanting to help a friend out. trevor would kill him if he knew cole was asking tori these questions. cole eventually responded, "it's for science. yeah, science."

"i don't see how trevor and science are connected, but i'm too tired to ask," tori yawned.

there was one more thing cole wanted to know the answer to for future reference. even if trevor wouldn't admit to himself that he liked tori right now, he knew his best friend would down the line. it was obvious.

"if trevor, at some point during this summer, asked you out on a date, would you say yes?" cole blurted out.

tori thought about it for a decent amount time. it didn't help that her brain was starting to finally shut off. she came up with an answer and said, "if i got to know him more, i would probably say yes."

cole nodded in response. he was happy with her answer. hopefully, trevor would come to his senses and see that he had feelings for tori. of course, cole knew it was too soon, but he could already see the relationship forming.

"hey, cole?" tori broke the silence.

cole quietly said,"yes, tori."

"will you go to the beach with me tomorrow morning? it's so pretty in the morning," she said louder than intended.

"of course, tori! just wake me up in the morning and i'll join you. does that sound okay?" cole told the girl.

tori mumbled, "yeah. goodnight, cole."

"goodnight, tori," cole smiled and then disappeared back into his room.

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