chapter 46

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the moment tori stepped foot inside her house, she pulled up trevor's contact. this was it. she was going to tell trevor she loved him fully sober and she's going to hear those three words back. her stomach started doing flips when she saw her screen displayed the word "connecting."

"trevor, i love —" tori cut herself off when she noticed her boyfriend was not alone. nearly all of the guys were huddled around his phone, excited to see tori on his screen.

alex smirked, "what do you love, tori?"

as those words left his mouth, tori's cheeks reddened. trevor pushed alex out of view as a result. he was really not liking that the guys were around.

"anyways, how was your flight?" cole asked with a grin. him and quinn knew everything that was going on, including the letter. jack and luke were out of the loop but would probably find out soon enough.

the blush started to die down from tori's face as she answered, "oh, it was good. i made it back alive."

the boys all nodded their heads. they were just happy she made it back in one piece even though they wished she never left in the first place. she had only been gone for a few hours, but every single one of them missed her already.

"wait, is that tori?" the girl could hear a yell in the distance. she could only assume it was luke.

the brunette chuckled, "yes, luke! it is me!"

next thing tori knew, trevor's phone was being grabbed out of his hand. she couldn't quite make out what was going on because everything was moving so fast. she heard lots of shouting and then a door shutting and locking. she had no idea who had the phone at this point since the screen was facing the ceiling.

"uhh, hello?" tori said very confused.

suddenly, cole and quinn popped up on the screen. both had huge grins plastered on their faces. "so, what did you think of the letter?" cole asked in a girly voice.

quinn hit cole before turning to him and saying, "never talk in that voice again."

tori was very confused. how did these two goofs know about the letter? she knows they were there when she said 'i love you' but she was not expecting trevor to talk to them about this. maybe they only knew about the letter rather than what was written. "how do you know about that?" tori questioned.

cole stated as a matter of fact, "well i'm kinda his best friend and i also found him stressing out about how to express his feelings."

"yeah and then of course cole had me assist in the plan," quinn added.

the girl narrowed her eyes, "so you guys only helped him come up with the idea to write me a letter?"

the two boys nodded as a response. tori sighed. it looks like there's really no way for her to get out of this one, especially since she can't physically walk away. instead of fully answering their question, she said, "it was good. if you want more details, you're gonna have to let me talk to trevor."

cole huffed, "fine! i guess we'll give you back to your precious boyfriend."

before tori could even thank cole, quinn jumped in, "you better eventually tell us. if he has a bad reaction, tell me and i'll knock him out."

"why is your answer always violence?" tori laughed. she saw quinn shrug on camera as him and cole started to head back to the living room.

the house was oddly quiet when she was returned to her boyfriend. it was almost as if everyone realized trevor and tori needed to speak alone. not even alex was in the living room anymore. when tori saw trevor's face on the screen, her face immediately turned into a smile.

"sorry about that," trevor apologized for quinn and cole's behavior.

tori responded, "no, it's okay. but i'm really glad they finally gave me back."

trevor's eyebrows rose and a smirk was plastered on his face. he knew exactly why she was happy to be returned and yet he still asked, "and why is that?"

"because i want to hear those three little words come out of your mouth," trevor's girlfriend said in a jokingly annoyed tone. 

trevor rolled his eyes in a playful manner, "if i must!" in return, tori rolled her eyes but then continued to smile as she watched trevor muster up the words. she knew this wasn't easy for him, but she would wait as long as she had to. tori was so in love with trevor that she would do anything for him. 

the hockey player took a deep breath and said, "i love you, victoria monroe!"

tori didn't know how but she could feel her smile getting even bigger. her face started to heat up and she could feel her heart practically beating out of her chest. part of her brain thought her ears were lying to her, that maybe she had made it up. that is when realized trevor was staring back at her, waiting for her to say it back.

"i love you more!" the girl exclaimed. 

now trevor was the one with a red face. he beamed, "i don't think that's possible." 

the couple admired each other, not saying anything. they wanted to soak up this moment forever. they both wished this had happened in person, but they would take whatever they could get. unfortunately, their cute moment was ruined by the shouts of the other boys still at the hughes house. 

"aww guys! did you hear that?" alex proclaimed loudly to his best friends.

luke replied, "i feel so single right now." 

"i don't want to hear this," quinn groaned. 

jack was in disbelief, "i can't believe trevor didn't tell me he wrote tori a letter! he never writes anything!" 

that was when the trevor decided to look up the stairs to see all the boys spying on them. they didn't even try to hide it. trevor turned the camera around so tori could see. right as he did that, cole shoved jack into the wall. 

"stop making fun of trevor. this is why he has a girlfriend and you don't," cole pointed out. jack just continued to rub his elbow as tori and trevor were trying to contain their laughs. cole continued, "you guys go back to your conversation and pretend like this never happened." 

with that, cole grabbed jack and alex and pulled them into a room. quinn and luke went on their own accounts and followed the three boys. the camera was still directed up the stairs, so tori could see everything. as she watched them leave, a funny thought popped up in her mind. she started to laugh, causing trevor to give her a weird look. 

"what's so funny?" trevor questioned. 

tori explained, "it's just that without those crazy and nosy boys we wouldn't be dating. they are literally the reason we're together." 

"well, i'd like to think we would have ended up together without them," trevor said. tori gave him a stern look. trevor changed his mind, "on second thought, you're right. they are the best and yet worst wingmen known to history." 

the girl laughed, "yeah, they do love butting in! i wouldn't want it any other way though. they definitely keep us on our toes." 

"maybe i should write them letters to show them my gratitude," trevor joked. tori shook her head and couldn't stop laughing. the picture of trevor having a heart-to-heart with the guys was engraved in her mind. 

the pair talked for several more hours, reminiscing on their summer together. there were a lot more laughs and some occasional tears from laughing too hard. their conversation switched from the past to talking about the future. trevor was telling tori about his friendship with jamie and how she would have to meet him when she came and visit. the two were already planning on times when they could see one another. the future ahead was unknown, but they knew they had each other and the boys to lean on. so when trevor and tori had finally hung up, they both felt like they would get through whatever obstacles came in their way. after all, they turned what could have been an awkward and terrible couple of months into something beautiful. 

the end.

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